CNN Panel Melts Down As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Says Harris Wasn't Democratically Nominated

3 months ago

Posted • October 25, 2024: There's something cathartic about watching CNN panelists get shut down and lose their minds. After years of being fed radical left nonsense, it's nice to watch the ship shake itself apart and the purveyors of lies lose their minds when a little bit of truth is introduced, like watching a room full of mental patients experiencing their carefully crafted imaginary world fall apart in real time. Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary did just that on Friday when he took part in a CNN panel. The discussion, as usual, centered around how awful Trump is and how great Harris is, supposedly, but O'Leary pointed out to the "pro-democracy" leftists on the panel that Harris wasn't actually elected democratically. O'Leary said that something hit him pretty hard. He remembered that Pelosi went to Biden and told him he needed to step out of the race just 90 or so days ago. He then asked about Harris, as Biden asked then, "is she the right person to drive this home?"

"He could have said we need to run a process in order for me to make this move, but they decided not to," said O'Leary. As he said this, the CNN panelists knew where he was going and already began shaking their heads. "I don't know who 'they' is," continued O'Leary. "Was it Obama? Was it Pelosi? I don't care who it was." - "Just listen to this analogy, and you may agree, you may not," O'Leary said. "Eighty-eight percent of managers, in the world I live in, cannot beat the S&P 500 year in year out. So you give them a $1,000, the S&P beats them. They can't pick stocks. This is the second time the Democrat Party has circumvented democracy and chose…” It was at that moment that the CNN panel couldn't contain themselves any longer and began interrupting O'Leary, denying his claim. Amid the arguing, he pointed out that Hillary Clinton was chosen with Bernie Sanders being screwed over, which is what happened and lead to Sanders withdrawing from the Democrat Party and becoming an Independent.
O'Leary asked if Harris won her primary, causing the panel to become irate. Hilariously, one of the panelists asked if O'Leary really thinks voters care about this process, to which O'Leary brilliantly replied "If you're a Democrat, you sure as hell care today." The CNN panel attempted to pass off this undemocratic process as having nothing to do with Democracy, to which O'Leary asked simply, "was she anointed or not?" From there, things became more or less incomprehensible. Enjoy. (…)

• More at: RedState - CNN Panel Melts Down as Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Says Harris Wasn't Democratically Nominated
Twitchy: CNN Panel Lose Their Minds When Guest Drops FACT That Kamala Wasn't Democratically Elected

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