Sunday Mass, 30th Sunday Ordinary time, Oct 27, 2024, Biblical Truth, God Wins

2 hours ago

Readings for Sunday Mass, 30th Sunday Ordinary time, Oct 27, 2024:
1st Reading - Jeremiah 31: 1-9
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 126
2nd Reading - Hebrews 5: 1-6
Gospel Reading - St Mark 10: 46-51
Law of Encroachment Prayer:

The Law of Encroachment Prayer
Before the Courts of Heaven, I invoke the Law of Encroachment and ask God the Father to send His Holy Angels to remove all, spells, curses, generational curses in my DNA, all hexes, all evil devices, all graphene Oxides, all Spike Proteins, all worms, all parasites, all evil operations, and all evil bio weapons and all gaslighting against me all my children and all my loved ones, in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank-you Father for hearing my prayer and protecting me and all my loved ones, amen please ask the Holy Angels to close all open doors and portals for me and all my loved ones, Amen.
1. The prayer invokes the holy angels to remove all evil creatures and to break the operation over the person praying
2. The prayer declares the actions against the person to be encroachment against their rights on earth and asks the holy warring angels to enforce this law in the name of Jesus Christ.

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