Reparations are stupid

4 months ago

Reparations are a way to compensate a group of people for a wrong done to them, such as an abuse or injury. They can be in the form of material or symbolic benefits, or payments of money. Reparations are meant to acknowledge the responsibility of a group or individual to repair the consequences of their actions.

It's argued that the British empire plundered wealth from these countries and that's why they have such issues today.

It's argued that the pain and suffering that was inflicted on the people of the empire warrants funds.

Estimates for the amount of reparations the British Empire owes range from ==£18 trillion to $777 trillion==, depending on the source and the type of reparations being considered:

- **Slavery reparations**
A UN judge co-authoring the Brattle Group Report on Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery estimated that the UK should pay $24 trillion (£18.8 trillion) for its role in slavery in 14 countries. However, the judge said this was an underestimate of the damage caused.

- **Debt to the Caribbean**
Europe's debt to the Caribbean is estimated at £7 trillion for "200 years of free labor".

- **Debt to Africa**
The African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission called for the West to pay $777 trillion to Africa within five years.

- **Human loss to Africa**
The present value of human loss to Africa is estimated at $75 trillion.

So let's assume that we did pay them. How would these countries spend the money?

Well we don't need to guess.

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