Episode 2629: Living as Angels Among Men, Guided by St. Joseph - Morning Episode

2 hours ago

Welcome to today’s podcast episode. Today, we’ll dive into what it means to live with holiness and purpose in a world that often feels engulfed by darkness. How can we truly live “like angels in the midst of the world,” as Fr. Josemaria Escriva encouraged? We’ll also reflect on the powerful example of St. Joseph, whom Edward Healy Thompson describes as the “protector, guardian, and defender” of Jesus and Mary. And finally, we’ll consider the words of Ecclesiastes, which remind us that God is the ultimate judge, who sees and will one day judge every work, both good and evil.
In a world filled with injustice, we can be tempted to feel overwhelmed, disillusioned, or defeated. But by following the example of the saints and cultivating virtues such as purity, courage, and perseverance, we can be witnesses to the light of Christ, regardless of our surroundings.
Living Like Angels Amidst a Troubled World:
Fr. Josemaria Escriva’s quote “Many live like angels in the midst of the world. Why not you?” is a beautiful and challenging call to each of us. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life and the constant noise around us. But Escriva encourages us to remember that holiness isn’t reserved for the cloistered or those isolated from society. We’re all called to live like angels in our own circumstances, no matter how mundane or challenging they may be.
Living like angels means striving for purity in thought and deed, seeking a deeper relationship with God, and acting with love and kindness toward those around us. Angels serve and worship God continually, and we, too, are called to live in a way that reflects this heavenly disposition. This call isn’t about abandoning our duties or responsibilities, but rather about bringing a heavenly perspective into everything we do.
Edward Healy Thompson reflects beautifully on St. Joseph’s role as the guardian of Jesus and Mary, God’s “most precious treasures.” As Catholics, we understand that St. Joseph was entrusted with protecting the Son of God and His Blessed Mother a role that surpasses even the roles of angels. In St. Joseph, we find a model of quiet strength, humility, and obedience. He didn’t seek glory for himself; his only desire was to faithfully fulfill the duty God had given him.
We can take heart from St. Joseph’s example. When we feel inadequate or unworthy of the tasks before us, we can look to him as a source of strength. He reminds us that we don’t need to be perfect or powerful in the eyes of the world to do great things. Rather, we need only to rely on God’s grace and follow His will with a humble heart.
As protector of the Holy Family, St. Joseph’s care wasn’t only for Jesus and Mary; he is also a spiritual father and protector for each of us. His intercession is a powerful aid as we seek to live virtuously and courageously. We can call on St. Joseph in our daily lives, asking him to help us safeguard the treasures of faith, purity, and love in our hearts, just as he safeguarded the Holy Family.
The Call to Trust in God’s Justice:
The words of Ecclesiastes 3:16-17 remind us of the presence of wickedness and injustice in our world. It’s natural to be troubled by the injustices we witness, especially when they occur in places where we expect justice to prevail. However, Scripture assures us that God sees all things and has appointed a time for every matter, and for every work. We may not see justice served immediately, but we are called to trust that God’s justice will prevail.
This trust allows us to focus not on revenge or bitterness, but on fulfilling our duties and living our faith with integrity. As Christians, we know that our role is to be instruments of God’s love, justice, and mercy in a world that needs it desperately. We may feel small, or even invisible, but by God’s grace, our efforts make a difference. And just as St. Joseph lived in quiet faithfulness, trusting God’s plan, we too are called to focus on being faithful, knowing that all will ultimately be made right by the Lord.
As we conclude, let’s remember Fr. Josemaria’s words as a challenge to ourselves: “Why not you?” Why not commit ourselves to living as angels in our world? With St. Joseph as our example and intercessor, we can trust that God will give us the strength to carry out our daily duties and to live with faith, love, and integrity. Let’s also take comfort in the words of Ecclesiastes, which remind us that God is the final judge who sees all and will bring justice in His time. May we be found faithful when that day comes.
Closing Prayer:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the examples of Fr. Josemaria Escriva and St. Joseph, who remind us of the call to live with purity, faithfulness, and courage. Help us to live as angels in our daily lives, bringing Your love and light to those around us. May we, like St. Joseph, be humble servants, guarding the treasures of faith You have placed in our hearts.
Lord, give us the strength to endure any injustices we witness or experience, trusting that Your justice will prevail. We pray that You fill our hearts with peace, guiding us in our efforts to live virtuously. St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, pray for us and guide us as we seek to imitate your quiet strength and unwavering trust in God.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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