Tidal installation installed in Oosterschelde storm surge barrier

17 hours ago

Tocardo Tidal Turbines, designer and manufacturer of tidal and freestanding hydropower turbines and Huisman, designer, builder and financial sponsor of the turbine suspension structure, installed five tidal turbines in the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier on September 25 to generate clean energy. This is the largest tidal power project in the Netherlands and the largest commercial tidal installation in the world, with a series of five turbines installed next to each other for the first time. This prestigious project was made possible by contributions from the European Regional Development Fund, the Dutch government and the province of Zeeland within the framework of the Operational Programme South Netherlands 2007-2013 (OP-Zuid).

In a record time of 9 months, the tidal installation was engineered and produced. The 50 m long and 20 m wide construction was transported to the Neeltje Jans work island via water. Taking into account the water levels, the tide and the weather, the tidal power plant was placed between the pillars and under the traffic tunnel of the N57 in the Oosterscheldekering using the slides of the storm surge barrier on a floating pontoon in combination with lifting trucks. In an installation window of just under 2 hours, the tidal power plant was successfully placed in place in this extremely precise operation. https://www.stimulus.nl/getijdeninstallatie-in-oosterschelde-stormvloedkering-geinstalleerd/

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