I Am Holding All Persecutors of the Unification Movement Responsible for Assisting Human Trafficking

4 months ago


"Starting in 1960, Father and Mother Moon brought their movement to America. And through those decades, well into the 90s and even into the early 2000s, Father and Mother Moon and the movement tried to warn America and to spark new spiritual and religious fervor in this country. that would unite all peoples under God,
and that includes all major religions of the world, to bring up the disintegrated moral landscape of this country and to restore true family values. We are now in the last days, so to speak, of our country's historical run. and central position in the world because promiscuity just for example through
pornography and strip clubs and those are just two examples enables and is a direct cause of human trafficking I am holding all persecutors of the Unification Movement and of Father and Mother Moon responsible and accountable for assisting in the cover-up of human trafficking."

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