Quora Commentary - Just Don't Know Anymore, What to Believe, Contradictions

4 months ago

Despite the amount of jargon and tribalism that appears on forums like Reddit, Quora and elsewhere, there's that deep content as well that one can find while surfing these forums. Throughout, one is told and taught so many contradicting things and you just don't know anymore with anything really. One just doesn't know what to believe anymore. After going to school, working, college, experiences and more, you realize you were lied to your entire life, everything you were taught, told and such was a lie among so many more unpleasant realizations. Before you know it, we'll have barcodes on our hands and other body parts. Things like this are coming with the type of Roman Empire level rhetoric that is present online and elsewhere. More could be said.

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Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout: https://bit.ly/3q72TSa

Deep level thinking and material on multiple subjects:

Disclaimer: As said before, another lost soul finding out so many things and trying to figure a lot out overtime. Posting their findings, ramblings and more for anyone who may be interested when not doing needed things in real time. I may be eligible from the following recommendations.

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