CNBC Host Had The Perfect Question For Mark Cuban About Kamala Harris

4 months ago

Posted • October 24, 2024: Is Mark Cuban the worst surrogate for Kamala Harris? Why is this man supporting this woman because he’s against the core of her economic agenda, the parts we’ve been able to decipher among mountains of word salad? The billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks seems to be diametrically opposed to most of Harris' plans, especially on taxes. He got rolled on CNBC, which isn’t the first time a Harris supporter, surrogate, or adviser got roasted on the financial network. Taxing unrealized gains has sent many Kamala supporters into the graveyard on this network. With Cuban, he was asked about capital gains tax, giving illegal aliens free health care, and eliminating the filibuster—Cuban is against all of this.

Mark Cuban just got grilled on CNBC for opposing all of Kamala Harris's central promises.

Capital gains tax: "I would campaign against her."

Eliminating the filibuster: "I'm against that."

Joe Kernen: "What DO you like?"

(He just wants influence) CNBC just said that Kamala has left policy discussion on taxes to be handled by Mark Cuban in the final two weeks of the campaign out of fear she'll screw up and alienate people. LMAO. 🤣 (…)

• More at: Townhall - Mark Cuban Gets Cooked on CNBC

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