Early Childhood is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt | Joanne Antoun #lifetransformation #lifemotivation

11 hours ago

👧🧑 In early childhood, you begin to discover your independence. ⁣

It’s the moment you realise, ⁣
“I can do this on my own.” ⁣

☝Whether it was taking your first steps or making your own choices, this was when your sovereignty started to take root. 🌱⁣

But for many, this independence was met with criticism or shame, leading to feelings of doubt.⁣

🤔💭Think back to those early years. ⁣

Did you feel free to explore and make mistakes? ⁣

Or did doubt begin to whisper, ⁣
🗣“You can’t do that. You’re not enough.” ⁣

That’s the voice of shame trying to keep you small.⁣

☝But here’s the truth: ⁣
You are more than enough. 💫 ⁣

Your power to choose, to stand in your sovereignty, has always been within you. ⁣

It’s not something you need to search for—it’s already yours.⁣

🤔Take a moment, hand on heart, and affirm:⁣
“I am enough. I give myself permission to stand in my power now.”⁣

Because if not now, when? 🌸⁣

Want to dive deeper into reclaiming your power and transforming doubt into empowerment? 🤔💭⁣

🎥 Watch the full video on my YouTube channel where I explore this stage in depth.⁣

✨ Link: https://youtu.be/ic_wokRXfco?si=t3LO4AvJY4Ddj3kU ✨⁣

#Sovereignty #HealingJourney #SelfEmpowerment #PersonalGrowth #YouAreEnough #TransformYourLife⁣

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