A Daredevil Holds On The Roof Of A Moving Car

6 years ago

The Internet is a place where anyone can be everything they want: a politician, a preacher, a philosopher, a mermaid, even a two-headed black unicorn. Covered by the shroud of anonymity (for as long as they can), people have been offering the world their own view on things and most of the times, it worked. But that is not our topic of today. Today, we want to discuss people’s need to make exhibitions of themselves in front of the eyes of the entire public, just for 5 minutes of glory on that same Internet.

Yes, there are folks out there who are willing to do some pretty daring and potentially dangerous stuff if that means that the rest of the world will be talking about them, even if it is for a short period of time. It really doesn’t matter, just as long as a video gets viral fame.

What you see in this video will sure remind you of action-packed Hollywood movies where the main protagonist, usually a cop with a vengeance, is set to apprehend the villains at any cause. In your regular movie scene where your guy is clinging to the roof of a moving car, you instantly guess that the stuntman performing the act is safely harnessed to the car. Well, guess again. In the video, taken in May 2015, we see a man holding onto the roof of a muscle car while it burns rubber on a desolated road in Mexico. Even when the driver slams on the brakes, and even when he makes a full turn on the road, our daredevil doesn’t even budge, part from making a normal sailing movement into the air under the influence of inertia.

Such a daring instantly raises the issue if what motivates car daredevils to perform these neck-breaking stunts. It seems, for them, it is essential to kick off fear and LIVE. Live your dreams, fully experience your actions and feel the accomplishment with your entire being. People who abandoned themselves and their pure motives, for the sake of the warm place of a prestigious robotic lifestyle and a good salary, lose respect for themselves. They were afraid to go their own way, they exchanged it for "comfort" and tolerate everything that this comfort does with them. Let them think about this when their life passes. But this is not for our brave daredevil riding the roof of a moving vehicle without a flinch of the eye. Our hero lives a life full of joy and light and such a person is able to honestly and openly say to himself: I was not a coward and lived as my heart commanded me, without looking back, fearing ephemeral things. These people can proudly say that they lived boldly and were always honest with themselves.

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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