La Quinta Columna: Targeting the Brain

4 months ago

Self-assembling technology, that has an affinity for the central nervous system, whose purpose is to impregnate neurons, thereby creating an artificial neural network.

Optoelectronics is a branch of photonics related to the study and application of electronic devices that interact with Light, systems in which electrons and photons coexist.

Optoelectronic devices operate as electro-optical or opto-electrical transducers.

Millions of people have been IMPLANTED with graphene-based liquid nanotechnology through the co-called COVID “vaccines”.

Currently, all types of injectables contain graphene, which acts as fuel to make all this technology work.

Self-assembling technology, that has an affinity for the central nervous system, whose purpose is to impregnate neurons, thereby creating an artificial neural network.

You can see it for yourself by accessing the Telegram channel: Mira al microscopio []

What you are going to see next is not optogenetics. It’s optoelectronics.

Rafael Yuste, Spanish neurobiologist and ideologist of the Human Brain Project.

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