WEF "Great Reset" King Charles Boasts He Is Direct Descendant of Muhammad

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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According to the fawning mainstream media, King Charles is as British as a cup of tea and at his coronation at Westminster Abbey next week, Charles will be celebrated as the 40th reigning monarch crowned there since 1066.

According to the BBC, the coronation is a symbolic ceremony combining a religious service and pageantry with customs dating back 1000 years.

Which is interesting, because one of the first announcements King Charles made after becoming king was to vow to abolish the Church of England.

But who is Charles really?

King Charles is a direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, according to a BBC News broadcast and Burke’s Peerage, the genealogical guide to royal ancestry.

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