Sept 2024 SSCC

4 months ago

Me and my navigator, Steve, participated in the September 15th running of the Silver State Classic Challenge. It is held twice a year on highway 318 (a 2 lane road) in central Nevada. Complete information can be found at .
The race is a timed event with the winner coming closest to averaging their class speed. We were in the 125mph class. The unlimited class competes for the title of Public Highway Land Speed Record per Guinness World Records.

The highest speed ever reached on a public highway during a legal racing event is 392.2 km/h (243.7 mph), by Jim Peruto (USA), during the 2012 Nevada Open Road Challenge, on Route 318, Nevada, USA, on 20 May 2012.

This speed is Peruto's speed recorded through the final speed trap of the course, his average speed over the 145 km (90 mile) course was 350.12 km/h (217.55 mph). This average speed is even more impressive because it has been achieved from a standing start.

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