The Razorbill: Close Up HD Footage (Alca torda)

4 months ago

The Razorbill is a seabird you might spot around Britain's rocky coasts. It's a member of the auk family and looks a bit like a small penguin, though it can actually fly! These clever birds are black on top and white underneath, with a distinctive black beak that's quite flat and sharp. During breeding season, their beak gets a neat white line across it.
These birds are brilliant swimmers and can dive up to 120 metres deep to catch fish like herring and sprats. They spend most of their time at sea but come to land to breed, usually on cliff edges. Each pair of Razorbills lays just one egg and both parents help look after their chick.
You'll find them around the North Atlantic coastlines, with lots choosing to breed around the British Isles, particularly in Scotland. Sadly, their numbers have been dropping because of threats like oil spills and getting caught in fishing nets, so we need to protect them.

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