His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - 10-23-2024 - Captions

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Julie Green and Dave Scarlett discuss the current political climate and the upcoming election. They emphasize the importance of voting and the need for Christians to participate in the electoral process. They also touch on various prophetic warnings and the spiritual battles taking place in the country. The conversation covers a range of topics, including the impact of the reawakened movement, the state of the church, and the implications of recent political developments. Throughout the discussion, there is a strong emphasis on the power of prayer and the role of faith in navigating the challenges facing the nation.

They further discuss various current events and prophecies related to political and spiritual matters. They touch on topics such as the upcoming election, the actions of certain political figures, and the impact of COVID-19 on society. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the need for prayer and faith in God's plan, expressing confidence that God will ultimately bring about justice and expose wrongdoing.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 10-23-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v5jtzbn

Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe


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Psalm ninety-one, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him I will trust. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow tha t flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon day. A thousand may fall at your side and 10000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord who is my refuge. Even the most high your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague coming near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you. To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up. Lest you dash forth against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent you shall trample on because he has set his love upon me. Therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA and keep watching His Glory TV. And we want to welcome all of His Glory Nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome today's take five Wednesdays with Julie Green. I have no idea every every day. What day it is until it's Wednesdays with Julie Green. Alright, let's get Julie on. There's a lot going on in the world as you probably all know. We're coming back from the last reawakened tour in North Carolina and then had an opportunity to see President Trump in action. Uh we'll get into that and more. First is Hurricane Relief Funds. Thank you. Uh if you saw the Hurricane the Reawaken getting products and and services to people in need. Uh thank you so much. We helped with General Flynn and Mike Smith and others to get a whole semi load of goods to go to the people in need in North Carolina. Unfortunately, it's a lot worse than anybody's talking about so our prayers are needed and people are still in need. So, here's a way you can do that. Food, water, other necessities. Uh you can see our video. We'll get our video up on all social media but use the Q code and we'll get that to the front lines. Also if you want to get Kingdom Fuel out there it's a two year shelf life. Uh Kingdom Candy. Uh I miss mine. I gotta start taking it with me. Uh gotten bad habits when you get up on the road but kingdom a fuel you can get to the front row front line and we'll get that out to people. Two-year shelf life. So thank you for all that. Uh it's one thing that came out of this is Americans coming together in the name of Jesus Christ to help people. Uh our government's not. We have to do it. That's what the church is called to do. Alright, Fall Kingdom Sale. Get your kingdom products. There they are. 20% off all the Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Crunch, Kingdom Candy, Kingdom Fuel, all of it. Uh the the hydrogen water. All this stuff is great. We gotta get our bodies as temples of Christ so that we can compete the race as the apostle Paul said at the highest level. Uh speaking of that, prayer kits. I we walked it. We I had lunch with some His Glory family members on the day of the event on Monday and they're talking about how they literally take these prayer to their land and they're seeing results immediately. So, is north, south, east, to west. Take the stakes. And Mama's Glory's giving you all the biblical scripture there. The anointing oil that comes from Bethlehem over the doors and windows in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Blowing the shofar. The shofar is so powerful to blow that. That's a literal ram's horn from our partners in Jerusalem and then the prayer shows. We gotta take a dominion over our land in the name of Jesus Christ. Alright so get your prayer kits today. Israel trip. Uh we're going to be back December 6th to the 14th the King David Hotel so join us on this trip I will be going in a couple days early to meet with some Israeli generals and ambassadors but this will be a VIP trip because it will be at the King David the whole time and you'll go places that nobody else ever seen we again on Monday we had lunch with some His glare family members that have gone to Israel and it's truly changed their life a lot of some of them were skeptical like how much could Israel really change my life going there and when they came back Uh this is after a couple years now saying it has truly changed their life. Uh your Bible just comes alive when you're in that. Alright so it's right on queue as we There's no sound on our live feed. Do you guys getting that? I'm getting the connections from generals. Alright, tell me when we're good to go and we'll introduce Julie. Home prices have started falling across the country. The longest stretch of declines in more than eight years. The individual who crossed into our country illegally at the border last week can live rent free. I had a Dear His Glory family follower call me at Creed's Basketball game like last night. What do I do? Where I put my money? Look at the market the the the market. You look at this the the crash. We know what the World Economic Forum is trying to do. All the big banks were at the World Economic Forum. I know the worst is about to come. One way to alleviate that is with what we do with the annuities. Whether it be an IRA, a 403 B, a 401K, a pension plan, a profit sharing plan, you can roll that over into an annuity. There's no penalty for it. Yeah. Safe Harbor guarantees growth and safety. The best way to do it is if you go to His Glory. ME and go to Family Partners, my website is there. You'll see it. It's it's estate planning. Click it and it'll allow you to fill out a little form. I just need your name, your email address, your telephone number, and I will be in contact with you within twenty-four hours. I'm Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group. With the uncertainty facing our economy, it is more important than ever to safeguard your wealth and protect your retirement savings. As the national debt grows and the government continues to devalue your hard-earned savings, physical assets like gold and silver can provide stability, security, and peace of mind. Genesis Gold Group helps our clients transfer existing IRAs or other retirement accounts into physical gold and silver tax and pen free. Now is the time to educate yourself on the importance of including gold and silver. Call now to receive our free wealth protection kit and digital dollar defence guide. Prepare yourself with what experts predict will be the most essential asset class of our lifetime. Call now and we'll include our extremely popular Silver Prepare free when you open your account. Add it to your IRA or have it sent to your home. Call Genesis Gold Group today at eight hundred two hundred gold only available through Gold Group. And we're back. Wednesdays with Julie Green. Julie, they tried to stop our audio but you know what? It it's God has it in light winds. That's right. No matter what. I they mess with this show so often between you and I and I have no idea why they would do that. If they are not threatened I don't know why they keep messing with it. That's all I have to say. Yeah the last report I heard was unprecedented like 2. 5 million bots hit our website. Um so they're trying to bring it down every way they can. That's why we we broadcast this live because we knew this would happen on our app His Goy TV and His Goy Me. So we're spread out. Appeoit never have a problem but you always want to have all three just in case because we're getting down to the the final countdown and they don't they don't want the truth to get out. No. I you know I I was featured in another article so I I guess it's another badge of honor to to put on but they don't like the truth. It's so amazing. I I had Eric gone a couple weeks ago and of course Every single time he's on, they always write an article about it and they told the truth about certain things and I was like, okay, that's actually kind of weird but it's like they try to to demonize people. They try to to to twist the word of God and twist the truth but the truth is always going to come out and I think when they write these articles, we always pray over em. I said, okay. God, I thank you. Whatever Satan meant from, you're going to turn into good in Jesus name and the truth is going to get out. So, people you know, go to ridicule me or make fun of me or to see what I'm about and I pray that God touches their heart with the truth and that's how we deal with it. So I just I laugh a lot. Yeah yeah that's all you can do because light has it. So what are your what are your thoughts and recap of coming back from North Carolina? Let's just say North Carolina I love the people. I love the energy. I loved what it was. Uh there were so many people that are just so hungry for the truth or hungry for the word of God. Even what God was giving me on the stage. Where you know a lot of people don't know that a lot of times I don't know what I'm going to say. God did give me a couple questions before I got on the stage. And not only did he give me give me some of the questions that people are asking but he gave me the answers to it. It was so powerful. And I have to say the last two and a half years being a part of Reawaken has really changed my life. I mean, there's been some ups and there's been some downs. There's some really good things and there were some bad things that went along with it but I will have to say God used it and I'm so honored and blessed to be a part the Reawaken America team and it's been a blessing to be a part of it, that's for sure. And lifetime friends, I mean, it's just like a homecoming every time we come back and see everybody. It's it's amazing. Um that'll never change. Uh knowing these people three, 4 years. They become really really close so that's amazing. What are your thoughts on you and I going out there and praying over people because I think that was an absolute game shifter for the spiritual realm. So much powerful prayer that the Lord brought down. There was. It was so powerful that one of the first couple I actually ran into was somebody that I actually had prayed for before she had cancer. And the Lord was giving them instructions on what to say and what to do. And she was she wanted to tell me that she was cancer free. And all the words that they spoke and they took the the the anointing that God had and she is absolutely cancer free. So that was something that was so we were we were celebrating that. I had hands on a couple other people or several other people in between that and I laid hands on another man. He had an oxygen tank. I remember him. I'll never forget him and I laid hands on him. I laid hands on his on his chest. I remember God was speaking something and telling him declare and decree that God's one who gives him the breath of life and God's one who gives him that strength in his lungs to breathe and whatever else the lord had me to say and we got a praise report the other day that he was off the oxygen. He was honest and said he could go to the bathroom back and forth a couple different times. He could things he could not do before. There was so many miracles and so many people were touched and every still time I've ever gone out there with you and all the Reawaken Americas that I have been out there with you praying for people. We've always gotten praise reports of things our God is doing and I'm telling you, people are now more hungry, I believe than they were even, you know, a few times ago that we've been at part of the Reawaken America. So, a lot of people are hearing the word of God. They're understanding the word of God. They're taking it. They're receiving it and they're receiving of miracles. It's awesome. You know and Clay love Clay dear friend he has taken a lot of abuse for these reawakened and that helped revival in the United States of America. Uh there were 70 some speakers at all these events. He couldn't get enough speakers and most of the time had turned speakers away because there's not enough time but he gave you and me combined a whole hour for prayer and our messages which is you know what? That affected other speakers because He knew how the importance of prayer is and then we went right there from prayer to baptisms and here's another praise report. A woman from Japan was an atheist at that event accepted Christ and went over and got baptized right on the spot in the baptism. A second woman from the United Kingdom accepted Christ in that prayer line went over and got baptized too. Praise the lord. That is what it's all about. It's not about, you know, this is what I tell everybody all the time when I'm on the stage or you know, be behind this camera every single day. It's always what God wants said and what God wants done because he knows exactly what people have to hear. I mean, you and I, we can get up on the stage and we can have our own agendas and we can say whatever we want that's on our hearts that sounds really good, you know, and that can be very motivational or inspiring but it's really the power of God's word and what he says and what he does And those are the words that changed people's lives. And I do want to say I've been praying a lot for Clay because of the the scrutiny that he was going through with all of the reawakens. Plus other things. Another event he was just dealing with. Yep. Um he he's taken a lot but I know his heart. And he's doing all this for Christ. He's doing all this to bring people closer to President Trump and and the Trumps to realize you know the power of God. The power of his word. Uh so he's being used God mightily. I tell him that a lot. I try to encourage him because he does such a great job of of connecting people together and he is he is a truly a special friend and I really appreciate all that he's done. Well, he he went through a lot with that the the time this past Monday with President Trump being connected to President Trump and we were there and Barry Wench was there too and he he felt that there was a spiritual chaos at this event. You could you could tell that there's people coming in to infiltrate the this this movement for whatever reason whether it's political or satanic whatever but I I gotta give credit where credits do Franklin Graham came out and he had a prayer he had everyone pray out loud and many people were praying in the spirit for about 2 minutes and he closed it that seemed to break everything the confusion the chaos and that prayer was really powerful because it wasn't the power of Franklin Graham praying it was the power of of 1000 people in audience praying for President Trump in this country and the world. You know it was one of the hardest decisions I had to make when the Lord told me no. And I had to go home. Um I almost cancelled my flight. I really wanted to to go and because my heart was there. You know and he always tells me what to do. And I told the Lord whenever you give me an order I will do whatever you want me to do. And I did. And I went home. But it was hard because I mean I watched it online. It was hard for me not to be in that room because I was invited to that room. I you know but we prayed over it. We prayed about what was going on but you know when God told you to do something you just had to do it whether you know you really want to and do it or not but I will always obey even when my heart doesn't all the time but I I know it was something that I had to do and I did so but my heart was really with all of you and I really miss being there. Yeah the Lord had it and he will have it. It's going to be a ballot because you can tell that there's this the the there's confusion. There's chaos. It's your prophetic words coming coming to pass that they're trying to get to him. Uh so gotta keep praying. We gotta keep protecting, lifting them up because it's it's intense right now. I got a warning, a prophetic warning for President Trump that I gave on last week that was right before this event and right before some of the things that were happening with it and before like you said there's something that was going on during during it before Franklin Graham prayed. So Lord has been warning that have President Trump listen to his words and his words only because there are traitors but they're also Judas' in his myths. There are people that are there for the wrong reason. They're not there. They're there to control who's allow to be there and who's a lot because you know they can be afraid of their position being taken away. When it's really the one who God is the one who gives and God's the one who takes it away if they're not obeying God. So we need to really pray that he hears the word of God. He hears exactly God's directions because there are people that are trying to infiltrate his camp to destroy him. Destroy this upcoming presidency in this time in the White House spiritually trying to cut it off. Not only not only we know politically people are there. But we also have understood from the prophetic there are people's spirits that are trying to cut off the power of God. Yeah you could tell as Barry said I think he even said it was witchcraft there. And you could feel it. You could just feel that something was off at the beginning and again like I said the the Franklin Graham prayer just it it cut through and again it wasn't the prayer of Franklin Graham. It was everybody in that room praying that overcame it in the name of Christ. That was that was powerful. So. I will confirm what Barry said because we also got there would be witchcraft that would try to intervene and try to stop and block whatever was supposed to be happening that day. That's right. Alright. So, what words has the lord given you recently about what we're coming into. So, there is so much of it. I want to give you part of one and then there's also prophecies that are being fulfilled often right. So, one of the things I I also want to talk to because remember how God said the celebrations were going to be very short lived with Kamala. We see her imploding in the polls. She's now for the second day in a row not campaigning. That is a Massive red flag and that should be to a lot of people realizing that she is imploding so bad to the point where she is taking time off in the campaign trail. People don't do this. They're getting her out of the spotlight because the more that she has been in the spotlight, the more she has been imploding, God this was going to happen where she is going to fall and this you're seeing her literally fall. So, I think the last I think it's the betting polls. Yeah. They have it up like 6five to like 3-two or something. It was absolutely insane and it was worse today than it was yesterday for her and so every day that we're getting closer is every day is being worse. Again, guys been talking about this and then also the polling. The early voting is going way, I mean, like explosive over to the side of President Trump that they're going to get to the point where they're not going to be able to feed enough for the for what if it keeps trending this way, they will not have now folks to cheat. Yeah it's the the people within Kamala's camp are petrified chaos. They're fearful. Um the numbers are coming out. They're they're throwing everything they can against the wall. This this latest attack on President Trump through the Atlantic about supposedly something he said about this Latino soldier has completely backfired because the attorney of that family came out and said they're lying. Uh so that an article I think came out yesterday that just completely lied about President Trump and what he said about this this this soldier. It's just they don't know when to stop lying. It's lies, lies, lies, lies. And their dam of lies is being broken by the avalanche of truth. That's what God has been saying. Yep. And so he they said that internal or God's been talking about their polls. Their internal polls. All this kind of thing. They see the writing on the wall. It's a sinking ship. If you notice the day that he was out there during the the that one charity event for the Catholics that she didn't show up to. Yeah. And he was he was roasting a whole bunch of people. Leticia James stood up and clapped. I saw that. I I was like dumbfounded. I'm going is that Leticia James standing it's not just a fact of how she did it or what it's wild. Why did she do that? It it wasn't because she wanted to because they know something's taking place. And then you have Chuck Schumer laughing and he stood up. You had other Democrats who were doing the same thing. Why? Why all of a sudden out of nowhere where they load him? They hate him. They're trying to to to break him financially. They're trying to destroy them politically. Why all of a sudden that that Seriously was something that people really should be paying attention to. That says a lot without saying a lot. Well they're they're petrified and again I I heard again this morning and yesterday that they're they're they're they're moving towards Nali. He's probably going to win this thing to how do we steal it? Um but again if they're saying that they may still steal it. Who knows? Again I go back to God. God keeps saying expect the unexpected. So whatever we think from Intel it's going to happen. Uh the key though is President Trump and many people. I think it was Wendy Rogers who it was on his glory about a week ago and and she she explained it really well why you want to go out and vote early is because exactly what you just said. These votes are coming in so strong that they can't wait and pile up all this paper at the night and then cheat and steal it. Now, you got six or seven swing states right now say it's going to take 10 days, 10 to 12 days. Uh Maricopa County said this today to count the vote. Here in Texas we have 30 million people that vote and they get it done before midnight in Texas. Why can't what we can say is no it's election day not election week or election month. It's election day. And again that just should fuel a fire in any American. And any child of almighty God. We have the power of prayer. You have the power of all the almighty God. His word and you have the authority. Then you start using it. Saying okay Lord no we have election day. We don't have a week. We have election month. We see what happened in twenty twenty. That big lie. I thank you and praise your Father God that every single one of their plans is not going to go as planned. And I thank you that it is so overwhelming. Their fraud that we're is it's too big for them to win. There is no path to victory. And that's what he kept saying us that to us today when we're on a prayer call is I kept declaring and decreeing. The Lord had me say it. No path to victory. No path to victory. And that's the reason why we should be saying and doing against the enemy and something I thought was what interesting too that Biden and both Kamala said in the last couple days was Biden said apparently last night to lock him up so you know he didn't believe that because he caught himself and said politically lock him up. Now you want to literally lock him up. And then something that Kamala said during her quote town hall which it wasn't really a town hall because of town hall is where people are gathered and they were actually able to answer or ask questions. Well they even Maria Schreiber said there was already pre pre question and so they they could not be able to ask any questions of their own. These were ones that were predetermined and so I thought that was really interesting because she can't even do a real town hall. She has to do a fake town hall but something that she said that Kamala said was the courts will take care of November. Hm. So they know they're losing. But the courts are going to take care of November. So does that mean they're going to use Marchand to throw him in jail as that's their plan because remember what the Lord's been saying that it's not just election day because it doesn't take an election to save this nation. It takes God. Yep. So if he wins this election which we know he's easily going to win just like he easily won twenty twenty. They just stole it. Just think about that. What are they going to do out of the facts because they're not just going to be like okay he won and just let it happen and to you know the Gods kept warning about the lame duck season the lame duck it's between the election night and when there's been declared a winner to the inauguration day that's when God said they were going to start attacking more and if they're already start talking about locking them up and the courts will take care of it in November what are they talking about they're they're saying things I don't think they mean to say well they also have you have that senseening that was extended after the election so they can come back with that too but what I found fascinating the last few days is I've heard RFK Junior JD Vance Elon Musk well Elon's not so surprising but come out and say the 2020 election was stolen that's a big deal for RFK Junior to say that because you could easily just say you know what 2020 is over we're worrying about 20twenty-four, but as a prophetic word that you the lord keeps telling you 2020 is not done It's not. It's so not. And so this is something else too because you think about all the things that are going on right now which we know they're already trying to steal because they're saying okay it's going to take a few days and it's going to take 10 days, 11 days, 14 days to count the votes. You know they're already stealing. God said that he had traps. He already people that are sitting there lying and waiting for them to be caught because they know that God knew that they were going to do this before they were going to do it. And so he has traps up just like he had in twenty twenty. He allowed twenty twenty to be stolen because of Right now. Look at the momentum. Look at the people were not listening to the same truths that are being told right now and the same exposures that would have been told four years ago they wouldn't have listened. Now they have a heart to listen. And so God's saying he's not he doesn't need an election. And so no matter what's going on is that these people are going to fall down and they are not going to be able to get back up again. There was something else about twenty twenty. Okay? Uh so God said he wasn't going to allow you know he allowed 2020, but he says it wasn't going to allow the same thing to happen in 20 twenty-four. But just think about all things that have happened since then. You had the queue against Biden. You have Obama and got him talking about last week how Biden was actually the stronger candidate and then there is some rumblings in Washington DC in this last week or so where people are saying they want to replace Kamala with Hillary Clinton. Because Hillary Clinton is a stronger candidate. What is it God been saying for the last 3 years? They did not want her. Now I don't think they will be able to stop this by now because people already voting for her. But the whole point is that this is rumblings that are going on that are being spoken on all social media platforms that there are actually people talking about in Washington. They want to replace her with Hillary Clinton. God said they did not want Kamala and now there's proof they did not want Kamala and they're having buyers remorse with trading her out for Biden. I mean this is an absolute complete failure of what they did with the Biden that are actually worse off than they were before which guys they were going to be so I think it's hilarious seeing them fall. Yeah they said when they read Obama's lips he said we have time. And most people that everybody I know of that has said well what could that possibly mean? He wasn't talking about the election because there's not any time left. It's whatever their plan is after the election to try to steal. Good news is is President Trump has said on the on the on the stump many times lately that the the military will step in almost did a 40 and slip. Woo hoo. That wouldn't have been good. The military would step in if need be. And I just gotta deal with tip of the to a four-star general who's active right now that reached out to me and I think they're in they they got things under control. So that's a good thing. And I want to tell any general and any person that's watching the military list like I say and to my mom on the stage thank you for your service and God bless each and every one of you that you put your lives on the line for each and every one of us and our country and our freedoms and we can't we you know we really literally cannot thank them enough for you know what they did and like you yours you served in the military. You served as a marine. Um and this is this is our part of fighting is not giving up and fighting back and pushing back because you know you guys gave up your life for this country. Now it's our turn to fight this fight also. Uh enjoying that fight to to keep our freedoms because our one of the questions that I had the other day that God was been asked many times by many born again Christians is this is where our country is going to die. Is this where our freedom's going to die? He said no. This is where the establishment is going to die. Yep. And so it may look like we're going to lose our country and it may look like we're going to lose our freedoms. But God said no. It's the establishment. Just like I said with just earlier about the other day with that Catholic event. Those people to stand up the way they're doing. They see this handwriting is on the wall. They've seen the sinking ship. God said people were making deals and now all of a sudden the the the tables I I he gave a prophetic word I'm going to give you out this morning that I gave out this morning I'm going to give out to you. Talking about the tables are he's overturning the tables. And not only politically but in the church. Because he said you can't have one without the other. Right. So we are going to say it's shaking politically but we're also going to see it shaken in the body of Christ as well. Well one of those People who is not in the church but that's flipping is Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. There's been some bad stuff coming out about Mark Cuban. Now, I'll just say that. It's going to get really really ugly his ties to Obama literally and we just find out two days ago, Mark Cuban is said publicly that he would like to be a part of Trump's administration. So that fits into what you're talking about. Yes, Mark Cuban wants to help Trump out now. Why would he do that? Uh he's he's a afraid of this information coming out with Obama and him. It's not good. Not good. So is Bill Clinton. Yep. Alright not Bill Clinton. Oh we all know he's afraid. Uh Bill Gates. Bill Gates. Speaking of Bill Gates did you hear what happened to Bill Gates today? He was the Netherlands said they put a warrant out for his arrest for murder of COVID-19 vaccines and that there's no jurisdiction so he cannot go to the Netherlands right now. That came out today. That's a big big deal. Big deal. I think my team actually had that on this prophecy fulfill page because God said he one of the person that he been calling out more than once is Bill Gates and he said he has blood on his hands. Yep. And so I believe that this is just another thing that another indication that these people are going down and there was another people are saying that there the blue wall is down. Uh it's crumbled. And what has been keeping the establishment alive is actually being destroyed. God has told me just the glass like two three years have been telling me to pray their walls down like the walls of Jericho the walls of the establishment the walls of every part of of their other place and I've seen all of a sudden the last couple days people are talking about their walls are coming down well God's been talking about that he's been having us pray that way to pray their walls down that they will not be strong enough to be able to keep what God has planned for this country they will not be able to hold the bound that's winning there's two posts that have gone viral in the last days of witches that literal witches that have been praying against President Trump and two different people it came out witches even exciting it themselves that all their witchcraft that they're trying against President Trump they can't break through because he's got some sort of protection around him yes he does yes he does there was I heard a prophecy I think it was like last week or the week before that he actually he literally mentioned a witch a witches he mentioned that that they will try to get by him. They'll try to be in the White House with him. Um again spiritually we have to keep him covered. Because there are people that are trying to gain his trust that are not Christians but they appear that way. Right. So he warned about wolves and witches specifically in his midst. Wolves and witches. And one of them is really really close to him. Really close. Yes. Yup. And he thinks she's good. Yeah. And that's why we have to pray and I don't know much about some of these people that are around him because I don't know who all they are. That one person that yeah God is warned about and we have been praying about. Um I pray that this person like changes their you know their direction. But if they don't then they they need to be removed from from where they're at. Yeah it's going to take something. Talk to me about this person. Yeah. More than one. It's going to need to be some that just because President Trump has put a lot of trust in this person and it's going to be it's going to be hard for him unless he's playing a game that we don't know he's playing a game because sometimes he just puts people out on a on the ledge on the the plank so to speak and they expose themselves so maybe that's his his game but you could sense it when that person was there that something was off and then afterwards people I know said something to me and then people I don't know that are in a position to know filled me in too so it was about six or seven people that told me that not good that's that's one of the things we had to pray about about that night because we knew that the enemy was trying to sabotage it. Um I knew it before I was told by our neutral friend what was going on behind the scenes and the things that were changed and the things that were done. Uh so again, that's why God had us pray about it because the enemy is always trying to infiltrate whether it's politically, whether it's spiritually. The enemy is always trying to infiltrate us in every single way. I mean, the enemy is trying to infiltrate ministries and prayer team I mean, it is something that people don't realize how much the enemy is really embedded itself in the church and God has given me two different prophetic words and two different 2 days in a row warning about church leaders that are going to fall because of what they've allowed to happen and what they have done to deceive the body of Christ. It's coming. Uh there's been a couple so far but there's more coming. There's a couple with P Diddy that are just unbelievable that people that connected church would do such a thing. Um but the truth is coming out and nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Uh no and there was another one that I wanted to get onto because I know it's really really shocking. I mean there's a lot of things that have been going shocking like right now. It's like it's amazing but so I want to get to first though. These indictments that God said that were going to collapse against President Trump. You see that Michael Cohen and the Supreme Court and they they took him down and denied him. Uh they dropped it. So you know and I want people to be afraid of what's happening with the other cases that are out there like the Leticia James one. Don't be afraid of the one when he, you know, could potentially put him in jail. This is where we fight harder. This is where we stand and fight that good fight of faith. You can't be moved by what you see. You can't get in panic. You can't get in fear. Oh my God, what are they going to do if they put him in jail? What's going to happen and how it's going to go on and is he going to be able to go to inauguration day. Don't get in panic mode. You get in prayer mode. You get focused. You get you get your you get your eyes on God and realize that our hearts fixed on God because God is going to take care of what the enemies are doing. They're losing. They're losing. I mean, look at how unprecedented this year has been. Look at how bad this year has been for the establishment. Look at all the truth that's coming out. Look how things are imploding left and right. They can't keep their story straight. People are turning away from them in droves like a mass exodus which God said that they were going to be. People are going to leave the party at the last like Exodus. They're going to leave in the by the masses and we're seeing that in every ethnic group. We're seeing that with all these different people that you never thought in a million years like the unions and stuff that would ever support President Trump. Now they're supporting him. You're seeing even though they're faking these polls to see how much he's already beating her by. These are fake. What are the real polls saying? This is the momentum. This is how historic this is. This is how damaging and detrimental this is to establishment that they are trying to hide that they're not going to be able to. That's right. There's the two or three reports I've heard so far people that are not right or left. They're just political people of raw real votes coming in. It is overwhelming and for President Trump far bigger than they ever could imagine and again, that's part of the strategy get up to election day that you're so far ahead that there's not enough paper to make up and if you do make up, it's going to stick out like a sore thumb and people are watching. I mean, some things are getting through the cracks but people are watching and it's it's not going to happen again. The Nope. God has got it. He like he's been telling us for three years. He allowed it. There had to be a shaking and there had to be an awakening. People had to get their hearts and minds off of President Trump. And back onto him. Because people were looking at President Trump to solve everything. He can't do that. He's a man. Only God can do what God is going to do. He can use a man which he has. You can see how much stronger he was than he was even a year you know six months ago. You can see the and his demeanor and you can see the love that he has for the American people. You see the American people have the love for him now more than they ever have before. So you can see the shift. You can see the momentum. You can see the power and the force that's behind him and with him. Uh that they're trying to to to stop and they can't do it. Because they can't stop God. They can't see God. They only see President Trump and they realize they're fighting against President Trump and they're not. They're fighting against God Almighty. And so that's why I think it's an amazing that if we just hold the line we will receive that victory as long as we don't give up. That's right we can't give up and never give up. Light winds. Um we're getting a lot of generals texting in so they're they're watching. They're watching. Uh maybe it was a pause dash needed for a particular reason. Who knows that President Trump had to step aside for a little bit and to so that everything could be exposed how bad it was. I think God said that. At. Yep. Dog really did say that. He he said pause dash. This is the time we're in. Yep. Yep. No he said there was a pause. There was a time where he had set apart. That's right. That's what we're going into. Our wet weave have been. Alright we'll be right back after this. In 20twenty-four, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment where the call for unity, freedom, and a better future echoes louder than ever. 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Use His Glory for 10% off and take advantage of other promotions on our page. In 17 seventy-six, the founders of this nation gave us something that had never existed before. A government by the people. We've had our ups and downs, learned and grew, and bled for freedom. Over time, our rights, our voice, and our power has been whittled away. Until now. Introducing Republic, an entirely new kind of social media. Republic focuses on local. No more covering up the truth. No more advertising funded news. No more data mining. This is how we rebuild, rekindle, and restore our republic. And we're back Wednesdays with Julie Green. We have what 10 11 days left before the election. So get out to vote. Uh every Christian needs to vote. That's one thing that at the event with President Trump and you know all through the weekend with Reawaken is that 31 million Christians are not voting and you got to vote. You really got to vote because if you don't vote you're going to get I I saw some information this is why you need to vote about Planned Parenthood. And I guess I always knew that they were dirty. But the stuff that they do with the with the kids is it's just it's sickening. It's far worse than just saying my body, my choice, and the it's it's about money, it's about greed, it's about evil, it's sick and we gotta put an end to that and you can't vote for somebody that is is going to demand for that. You just can't. That's why God he's judging the church leaders because that's why he has to turn the tables because he actually was showing me the scripture this morning about where Jesus went over into the temple and he overturned the tables because they were stealing and cheating from God's people They're doing the same exact thing now. They're cheating. They're deceiving. They're lying. They're not giving out what Godly wants them to say or God really wants them to do and it's leading people to slaughter. People don't understand. People don't know. You think of how many pastors and preachers that are going to be held accountable to these 40 million people if they are not awakened and they don't go out and do what they're supposed to do. I mean, it's like being a person in ministry, we're going to be judged for the things that we do and whether right or they're wrong and that's a lot of weight to carry around. You have to do what you God has called you to do. If you don't, they're in ramifications of that and so there's a lot of ministries that are not doing what they're supposed to be doing and they're ridiculing and persecuting the people that are and so there's a lot of people have being held accountable for what's going on right now in in this country because they're supposed to be teaching people the importance of God being in government, the importance of justice, the importance of truth, the importance of the freedom, importance of our laws and judicial system and they're not doing it because of that stupid stupid law of separation of church and state that has to be eradicated of what it truly truly means to what it has been with the chokehold against the church. Yeah it's it's it needs to be solved once and for all because one side of the fence has no problem having you know Kamala Harris was in a church and I'm surprised it didn't catch on fire but she was in a church today. I don't know if you heard the story but the the church security took one of the people of their own congregation out for something they said Kamala had them removed from their own church. This is coming off the heels of. Yup. When somebody said Jesus is king or Jesus is Lord and she said you're at the wrong rally. If you're a Christian, you heard that? There's no oops that's a mistake. That's not a Freudian slip. It she said it. To me she was giving the big middle finger while when she did not go to that Catholic event that charity event then they also like Fretch and Whitmer and what they did with that Dorito chip that disgusting act and then all of a sudden now you have where somebody says Jesus is Lord and she started mocking them with everybody else and saying that you're in the wrong the wrong rally and then when she went to that you know why she went into church it wasn't because she wanted to go to church she went there because her publicist and people were saying hey you just screwed it up now you gotta go and you're going to lose all of the evangelicals you're a Christian vote if you if you're mocking Jesus so you better go to church and make a things look good and they're trying to clean it up and they couldn't and they they kicked somebody out again against her. This is where it's showing I love this one minister. He was a black minister out of this black big huge church and he said, you don't vote color. You vote God. You vote what God wants. You don't vote color because that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do. They want us to be divided. They want us to vote on race. Wants to vote on all these different things and God says no we're supposed to be as Christians we're supposed to vote as biblical values I don't care who they are like on the Republican side as long as they have biblical values and as long as they're going to stand up for the word of God I will vote for you I don't care about what you're racist I don't care about what you're you know your failure whatever is going on in your personal life if if you're not a perfect person that's not what God ask us to be noone is perfect we can't expect anybody to be perfect but God is asking us to stand up he's asking us stand up for biblical and stand up for God because you have people that are literally mocking God and how you are a Christian and think that that's okay. I don't know. It's not okay. Well now now we're going to see what she does because she's not going on the Joe Rogan show anymore. Uh she announced that today so was she going to go into a cave for the last few days before this. Uh anywhere she goes in public at at Boomerangs and Backspire. And oh by the way you saw President Trump go and serve at McDonald's. And that same day McDonald's came out I believe the second time but they came out that day and said Kamala Harris never worked for McDonald's. Ever. That's right. You know, it was funny that the frenzy of the laughs as he went to work at McDonald's because you know, he went to a barber shop. He went to McDonald's. He goes where the people are. He's been at the hurricane site. I don't know how many different times in North Carolina. He's showing he's with the people. He doesn't separate himself with fake, you know, setups of all these different interviews or fake town halls or fake rallies because they pay people to come from out of state to go these rallies and make em look bigger. It's real. He's not fake. He's real. He's truthful. All she has and all they have are lies and all they have are actors to make things look good. That's why God has been telling us the last couple years. Things are not how they appear to be. That's where we're supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. That's why he's been giving us so many different prophetic words. And you know because I told you before. I mean I've been persecuted over prophecies, over prophecies all the time, over prophecies regarding politics. And you know like God wouldn't say this. He wouldn't do this. Where is it scripturally? Well Jesus said the works you're going to or I do you're going to do even greater than me so that's one of them and it also talks about in Acts chapter two and Joel chapter two talks about in the last days I'm going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy so that goes against all the people that are sexist that say that women shouldn't prophesy because God said that women would God said this sons and daughters he's not he's not sexist and so you think about all these different things that are happening right now they're going on the side of God God is giving these prophetic words he's encouraging people he's showing that he's are coming to pass and the reason why he's doing that is because he wants to encourage people that he is in control because a lot of people right now, if they don't have the direction of the prophetic, they don't have the direction of the teaching and the revelation and knowledge, they would be lost right now and be giving up hope on another stolen election. That's right. He's in control. That's for sure and we see that we see that coming to pass. There was something I want to tell you because it was very interesting because when the lord gives me words like, who give me prophetic word and then in that prophetic word, he'll give me like a name. Like just a Name or just a word. Well he gave me the word chariot. Chariot. And I thought that was interesting because he said Chariot and the company. Like a company name. Well I didn't know that there was a company called Chariot. And the first thing I think of Chariot I think of like you know Pharaoh and the chariots and the armies and how the chariot whales came off. That's what I think about. Well somebody wrote us last night and said there was a chariot company. They're actually based out of North Carolina and they deal with lithium. And so God was yeah. I did not know that. So again he gives me these words that seem odd. That seem like okay you know I you know like we told me that monkeys were going to be in the news for a surprising reason. And then it was monkey pops later on. So he gives me these words that are kind of like I don't get it. You know? But his people are and they got it and they gave to me last night. My sister called me because she reads the emails. And she's like Julie Old Chariot that you said yesterday it was said today and I said yeah. And she goes there's Ashley a company called the Chariot Company and they actually deal with lithium and you know what this going on with the hurricane and what they're trying to do to destroy people and their residency because they want the lithium that's in the mountains. And you know that's connected it ring a bell once you said that again. Uh that's connected to Black Rock and Kamala's husband Doug Imhof. He's got he's got stock in that company. Uh yeah. Yep. I saw a report on that. So this is this is not good. I Pure evil. God said it was going to be in the in the news for a shocking reason or a surprising or significant. I'll have to get that one back out. But I want to give you the one today because the one the one today that I gave out is really interesting. Some of the things that he said. So I want to go to this part right here because remember how we've been talking about why God calls him the Biden and because we know what happened. This is another thing I get articles written about me all the time because I say you know about the Biden because it's we know he's not who he is. Okay he can't grow six inches because of COVID. It doesn't happen. It's not realistic. And I'm just like okay seriously people this has to like whatever. This is something that he said to me. It was I I heard on twenty-first but actually I gave it out today. A great reveal's about to take place. Someone's mask will be seen loose on camera for the world to see. There is no more hiding that this was truly a puppet in the White House. So I want people to start paying attention about this person's mask because I think it was back I think he was actually in North Carolina before if I'm right. He's either in North Carolina or he was in South Carolina and he was campaigning and he itched the back of his neck and it looked like rubber and so God is saying something's going to happen with this mask again where you're going to see it where it either it's loose or it's wrinkly but you're going to know without a shadow of a doubt that's a mask. That's not the person. So guys saying there's going to be a great reveal and I know you said you've had generals that have proof of that person not being the person that he says he is. Um and I think there's going to be laptops that are also going to prove that. God keeps talking about laptops. He's he's he's mentioned another laptop that's in the in the news that will be about to be in the news. He keeps mentioning laptops. So I don't know where all the stuff is going to come from. But I know is that what God is saying? Start watching things because things when Trump got that popcorn. Mhm. From he doesn't do things. No. Just because he does that. He didn't want to just go into that store to buy popcorn. That was like showing people. You're watching a movie. It's about to get interesting and that's why he was eating the popcorn or that's why he went to grab the popcorn. Things are about to get very very interesting for this side of the establishment because they're going to going to implode. Barack's days well the that's playing Barack right now and the Barack story is coming unglued right before our very eyes. Um Michelle that's coming out too. Uh like I said Mark Cuban that it's it's it's I believe they're going to dump it just in the next few days. It's hang on. That's why he said grab your popcorn. It's going to shake a lot of people. A lot of people. I don't know the Michelle thing was crazy for a long time. I never believed it until a couple generals showed me the proof and I'm like hm boy. Boy it's much worse so God's been talking about bringing down Obama he's been talking about his house of cars was going to implode and he was going to expose him and he was cutting the lines of communication off and there was another prophecy that he had just given me that I'll probably give out today to you gave out I think it was yesterday he talked about wire taps he's talking about video audio Emails computers he's been talking about things and he's been saying that he has all this evidence. He's mentioned all these people and how Hollywood has a lot of different actors in Washington and how a lot of people are not who they say they are and the Biden was only one out of many and so people get prepared to see what you're going to see because it is going to be so unprecedented and it's going to blow people away. It is going to blow people away. Because you wonder you know like just go back to that that that funeral where we know that's not Joe Biden and why would Barack think it's Joe Biden and talk to him like that it doesn't make any sense because you would you would think they would know if that's a guy the real person or not or have an idea you've been around him a long time you're on somebody a long time you you you pick up some of the characteristics they do and if they're just an actor you're you're going to see that so this thing is complex I I I had an opportunity in North Carolina to speak to a movie director famous movie director actually interviewed him and he's a he came out Mike Smith he came out with Out of the Shadow which really woke a lot of people up with Liz Crokin but he was a he was the first one four years ago that told me about the mask and I I didn't I was kind of skeptical because dude we've been doing that in movie business for years of course it's a mask well it's all imploding and there's something that the lord was giving me this morning before I got on and that was the the whole teaching on the fig tree. Where Jesus spoke to the fig tree and put it up and died. And he said Julie go look up deep state. Go look up the images of the deep state. So I did. And it's like the capital and you see all these roots underneath of the capital. And he said that you need to speak to those roots. And they will wither up and die just as the fig tree did. And so what he's doing is giving he's giving us a marching orders because their walls are coming down. They are imploding. They're turning on one another. God said they would turn on one another. He did say they were going to be desperate. He did say they're going to be in fear and petrified and in panic mode because of what they're seeing because everything they've normally done always works. Yep. And for some reason this time when they're at hyper speed and they're doing things that they don't normally do at this pace and it's going in the wrong direction. They don't know how to handle it. And so that's why desperate times call for desperate measures and they're going to be making desperate decisions and it's actually going to be worse for them. And it's going to reveal to the world who they truly are. Because just like as Pharaoh went and pursued God's people more that's when he was crushed. And that's when he was and that's what's going to happen with the same Pharaohs of today that God talks about but I want to give something out because there was in this prophecy also in this one it says someone in this establishment with many secrets is about to turn those over to my David to throw the stone and play the Trump card he has been holding on to but first he must fully trust in me so that day last week we were talking about the Trump card God had given me a prophecy that I had given out that next day but I heard it two or three no it was like four or five days prior but I had forgotten about it that exact wording. So I know we we've talked about the Trump card before because God has talked about it previously in prophecies. And that morning when I went to go dictate it that Thursday morning I just started laughing because it had the Trump card in it. And I said Pastor David and I were just talking about the Trump card again. So I have to get out that prophetic word. But God is saying that he's not allowed to play that Trump card. Until he trust God. So that's the reason why there has been a delay but there's also because there is more information that he's going to be given. He's been given more information. Again he said someone in the establishment with many secrets that's about to turn those over to my David. So because God's been saying there's been God has infiltrated the infiltrators. So there's a lot of different things that are being collected that are being handed over in this time period. Because people are see the hand running on the wall and they see the sinking ship and so they're starting to make deals when they normally wouldn't have. That's interesting. Um we I think we we brought up the whistle blower last week. Uh I got more information while I was in North Carolina about this whistle blower. Uh who have I know so he is claims again that he can connect the last assassination attempt to this some somebody bad in the secret service on on the 13th of July. He's al

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