19: Good Nephilim Part 2: Enoch, Noah & The Book of Giants

4 months ago

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or giants in the Bible traditionally imagined as being of great size and strength with great power and authority. The Bible, including the author of the Book of Enoch and other apocryphal texts, views them as the offspring of fallen angels and humans. Most researchers and scholars attest to the Nephilim as being inherently evil with no hope for redemption. But what if that narrative is wrong?

Joel delves deeper into the theory of “Good Nephilim” by looking at apocryphal books like Jubilees, Jasher, and Enoch to show the basis for the Watchers copulating with the daughters of men to create the Nephilim. He then goes through The Book of Giants to show how redemption was offered to the giants from Enoch by Yahweh. Finally, Noah’s time before the deluge is explored by studying not only Biblical texts but also apocryphal and historical ones to determine what he was doing on Earth in conjunction with building the Ark.

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