Einstein and Oppenheimer Grew the Nuclear Bomb Hoax

3 months ago

Have you seen the blue-eyed devils? They still live amougst us humans.
Homo capensis are the ancient devils who sheepherd humanity towards destruction. Freemasons are their current main tool to extinct Homo sapiens off of Earth. The Creator-God wants a worthy species to replace those big, blue-eyed, Homo capensis monsters, but now war is used to confuse and frighten the sheeple into submission to tyranny. The monsters are playing humanity towards extinction... you see...

If you study the monsters behind Freemasonry you will find the big-eyed, blue-iris, monsters who are completely ego-bound and wickedly-selfrighteous.
I saw one of these monsters in Winnipeg in 2019... They have much larger eye-balls than this cover-photo.

Homo capensis herds the sheeple through fear.
Freemasons and Luciferians serve capensis towards the extinction of human genetics.

The real reason for faking the nuclear bomb was to create the fake "cold-war" to finance and cover-up the building of all the Deep Underground Mason Mases(DUMB)s. Actually M is for Military, but Freemason/Communist secrecy and spy-networking are the main tool to build them under the noses of the grazing-sheeple. Too busy with football games to busy researching the conspiracies... To afraid of being called a "conspiracy theorist" by freemason traitors-neighbors. The enemy is "within" the borders and now the illegals will be used to hide the actions of the traitors.

I don't think I can spell it out better than this. Thank your Creator-God for creating a multidimensional-universe where you can choose your path towards a better world rather than just extinction.
You just have to bother yourself to educate yourself to realize what is happening to humanity.

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