The Kingdom Of Heaven - Day 25

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Day 25 - The Kingdom Of Heaven

The external World is changing rapidly and we are heading through a period where the entire world is about to shift.

Gods Kingdom is within You and that will be reflecting out to every part of this world that we connect with.

We have been in the midst of a Spiritual War, and the majority of the world have been distracted from the life we live in a system that has kept us restricted

This will make more sense to us all in due course, and I really encourage people to go and watch my research to show this

My Meditations have taken me to many places and shown me visions of how the New World will be and it truly will be magical. Like out of fairy tale where we live happily ever after

This world has only gone from Dark to Light and although it may not seem like that with what we are being shown, the world is changing everywhere. Evil will be no longer.

There is one dark huge corrupt system that is fully connected around the world, and we are about to see the full exposure and destruction of it.

Imagine living on a world which is a Place full of Peace? Everyone lives in Freedom and with dignity

There will be no stresses from things like bills and parking tickets whilst people do all they can to scam others. None of this at all.

The advancement of Technology is going to be like that from another world. This technology will assist us in every aspect of our life and create more time and space for us to live life they way we were intended to live.

Healing will be revolutionary and we will learn so much more about what our body is and what it can do. We will have the best education which is forever evolving and we will get to learn from the best of the best

The Kingdom of Heaven has the most advanced systems to allow us to travel all around the world at super sonic speeds connecting us to new destinations around this earth. Yes new lands.

The world is going to be the healthiest it has ever been, the air will be fresh, the electricity will be free, the water will be crystal clean and we will become gardeners, farmers and guardians of the land.

There is so much information that we are able to search for to get some inspiration of what to come. We just have to take the time to look for ourselves

We Will look back at this moment in time and remember when the world Shifted and United during The Great Awakening

Enjoy this teaching and allow your mind to wonder

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