The Book of Numbers. Part 1. Introduction and CH 1.

3 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Thursday, October 20, 2024 The Book of Numbers. Part 1. Introduction and CH 1.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
The story is rather straightforward: Israel is counted in a census by Moses, Aaron, and the leaders in order to prepare for the march to the promise land, and life in that land following the conquest (CHs 2-4).
They would wander for 40 years, until the whole generation was dead (CH’s 13-14). The Israelites decide to try to make things better on their own. Unassisted by God (or Moses), they try to conquer the land but are humiliated in defeat (CH’s 14-19).
The themes of obedience, disobedience, holiness, and the presence of GOD are keys to understanding the book of Numbers. Many commentators break the book into 2 parts: Orientation (CH’s 1-10, Disorientation (CH’s 10-22), and New Orientation (CH’s 23-36).
What happens next, however, is almost instantaneous complaining and disobedience. In 3 scenes the complaints involve the Israelite people in general, the non-Israelites who had come along with them (EXO 12:38), and even the family of Moses itself.
The people decide that, in spite of GOD’s promise to give them Canaan (the promise land), they are not strong enough for the task, and, further, that they need to select a new leader who will take them back to Egypt. Think of that, we want to go back to slavery rather than trust the GOD that brought us out of slavery.
Not one of the Exodus generation over twenty years of age (except Caleb and Joshua) would go into Canaan. It was not possible to go back to Egypt. Rebellion against Yahweh would lead to forty years’ wandering in the wilderness it would not lead back to Egypt. The people were GOD’s in spite of their rebellion. GOD is still working with the people in spite of their rebellion, but the supposedly holy people are disoriented is seen in the further rebellions of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (CH 16).

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