End Time Prophecy 4 - Sound a Trumpet Over Seatte - Woke Abominations

3 months ago

The end has awakened and our abominations have turned against us. The woke are a manifestation that our own ways are the cause of our suffering. The trumpet has sounded and yet nobody goes to battle because the wrath of God is upon the multitude. Our pride and arrogance has blossomed and buying and selling is futile. Our gold and silver cast into the street. Faced with death, our possessions and things we take pride and pleasure in become meaningless. The best end time prepper strategy is Jesus Christ. Flee the coming judgement by running to Christ who freely offers mercy to those who turn and believe.

Ezekiel chapter 7

House church,Christian preaching,Bible teaching, end time prophecy, non-denominational praise and prayer,Christian revival,Hoquiam Washington,Pacific Rim of Holy Spirit Fire,fasting,anointed,prophetic gift,apostle,prophet,healing,evangelist,watchman,intercession,word of God,plain truth from the Bible,Seattle holy war,Seattle has fallen,gates of Seattle are desolate,revival,trumpet of warning,prophetic warning,good news of Jesus for end times

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