Election 2024: The Battle for America's Future | Ep 309

3 months ago

As Kamala and her campaign reek more and more of failure and desperation, they are turning up the rhetoric to a 10. From her preposterous Trump comparison yesterday and the Biden DOJ going after Elon's America PAC, will there be a big October surprise? Interestingly enough, Zuck bucks from 2020 actually violated FED regulations by funding local election commissions and ensuring funds went to Biden's goat out and vote effort. Kamala embarrassed herself on CNN last night, again. Kamala has yet to answer a direct question clearly and concisely. After all, she is the daughter of a Marxist professor and the seeds that were placed in the early 70's have come to bear their frotten fruit. Cultural Marxism has divided our country like never before and the 2024 election is the zeitgeist of our future. The choice couldn't be clearer, an America in decline under Kamala or a return to American greatness under Trump.

Tom Lobianco
National Political Reporter | 24 Sight News

Charles Moran
President | Log Cabin Republicans

Hilton Beckham
Communications Director | America First Policy Institute
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