Literally Hitler: Unforgiving Fascist Dictator Floats Presidential Pardon Of Hunter Biden If Elected

11 hours ago

Posted • October 24, 2024: President Donald Trump floated the idea of actually pardoning Hunter Biden on Hugh Hewitt's video podcast today. He didn't totally commit to giving a 'Get Out of Jail, Free' card to the infamous son of President Joe Biden, but says it's something he'll consider. Hunter has a long list of federal convictions and charges involving not only an illegal gun purchase but also taxes. Hunter's laptop, which was suppressed by Biden-friendly 'news' orgs during the 2020 election, still has Trump voters angry and seeking justice. Hear Trump explain it. Trump, on pardoning Hunter Biden: "I wouldn't take it off the books." -- Wow, that was unexpected. This pardon-talk has some questioning Trump but others see it as a smart move considering how Democrats are falsely painting Trump as an unforgiving 'dictator'.

This person sees through the Dem lies. But I thought he was trying to prosecute his political enemies?! Oh wait, that was just the dems projecting what they have done. Projecting is a Democrat Party specialty. 'Journalists' and their fellow Dems have pulled out another tired trope in hopes of spoiling a Trump election victory. It's not working. The joke's on Dems, again. Wow, literally Hitler. Is Trump being truthful? Politically cautious? He had a chance to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton after he trounced her presidential dreams in 2016 but for the sake of the country he didn't. That didn't stop Hillary and the Dems from seeking vengeance though. Looks like Trump played his cards right in the interview. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Going for the Joe Biden Vote? Trump Floats Presidential Pardon of Hunter if Elected

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