Pay to die £98.95 to die

12 hours ago

Last week, we told @BootsUK to stop administering the COVID-19 'vaccine' 💉 ❌

It's unbelievable that after all the evidence revolving around the covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions and deaths, organisations such as @BootsUK continue to administer COVID jabs for as much as £98.95p!

WE MUST NEVER FORGET. These vaccines are responsible for the avoidable deaths of thousands if not millions. Those who led this crime against humanity must be brought to trial and I will not stop fighting until justice is served.

Boots are continuing a silent attack on humanity, killing children, mothers and fathers with a harmful injection that does not serve the interest of the people.

I've spoken to so many members of the public who have said their loved ones have been directly affected by this vaccine. I've been told by many that after the vaccine was administered, people they know suffered from heart attacks, blood clots, seizures, myocarditis, pericarditis, numbness, brain fog and strokes.

Share this post, tag boots and hope that this video reaches the right people.

God bless 🙏🏻

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