What are the Bad Oils ? What are Good oils ?

4 months ago

A general explanation of the good & bad oils.
Why are the Adulterated oils bad for your health ?
What are some examples of Good oils ?

Examples of a few good oils. LifeWave Technology combined with oils is a great affordable solution.

Walnut Oil is 28%-5% omega 6 to 3.. Found that in Peskins book ! Brian Peskin says take a teaspoon of Walnut oil every day.

Over time, months your skin and health will be very visible.

Also Hemp oil is 50%-20% ratio, of omega 6-3. Hemp oil is also very good with the same instructions for usage. It is a little pricey though.

Pumpkin seed oil is 43% -0 % Omega 6-3 ratio. Pumpkin seed oil is not expensive in the capsule form. So add a small source of omega 3 oil.

Eating a few walnuts will balance out what your body needs, when supplementing with Pumpkin seed oil.

There's more options. depends on your budget and preferences.

Everyone has a choice. Keep Learning !

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