Heaven Land Devotions - Lights That Shine From The Past

5 hours ago

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I was meditating on the word this morning in silence. My mind began to reflect back on a certain word that was written to me decades ago. I had been invited to attend the Bible College of Wales personally by Samuel Rees Howells.

I was remembering the moment I opened that letter written on onion paper and typed with an old fashioned type writer.

I was heart broken that I could not go as I had two little boys and was married. It was out of the question. I wrote back desperately explaining how badly I wanted to go but could not.

I vividly remember sticking that reply in the mail back to Wales.

Weeks later I received a letter back from Samuel Rees Howells secretary, who conveyed a heart warming response from Samuel knowing I was not able to go.

He had many things to say to me, as if it was his way of giving me what he could. One of the things he said was, "Always believe God for the impossible."

We stayed in contact for the next two years. Until I received the last letter from his secretary. He wrote, "the Lord is taking Samuel away into new places of prayer." He was 85 years old at the time.

That word has remained as a brilliant light that flashed in me long ago, and is still shining forth breaking time barriers into timeless eternity. Where I will meet him one day.

There are many other flashes of light through the years that have lit my path of light that leads to Heaven.

There are times it is meant for you to look back to see all those different times eternal flashes of light were given to you that are still guiding your way Home.

"In His light shall we see light." Ps. 36:9.

“Faint not; the miles to heaven are but few and short.” ― Samuel Rutherford

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