Obamas Are Both Long Gone. Wake The Fuck Up 🆙

3 hours ago

I'm going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues I've been dropping you.

Here we go. Pay close attention:


A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.
It's so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.

It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.

There is no Biden presidency.

The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago, along with Clinton.

No, that woman in purple the other day wasn't Hillary Clinton.

You are seeing actors. Some have masks.

That's why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president.

This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.

This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.

Fake executive orders.

Fake oval office.

It's all bullshit.

Wake up.

The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.

Insurrection Act has been signed.

EO from 2018 is in full effect.

Things will soon be revealed publicly.

Hopefully, you can wake up before then so you don't have a heart attack in the process.

They really tried stealing our election that part is real.

Trump knew this and allowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election system, which was already patented back in August 2020.

He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they, too, were compromised and went 100% FISA.

This is a total military operation.

The goal was to arrest and remove these crooks first before ever winning an election.

Furthermore, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC corporation, and that is no longer.

It will soon be a republic for which it stands under the constitution as originally intended.

You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the constitution.

Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and / or been executed for crimes of high treason, conspiracy.

Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals.

Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets, no more games.

There are many actors in the movie, not just Biden double comedian guy.

Who's who at this point is somewhat of a mystery.

We don't know exactly who is who 100%.

Some are playing a part from the very beginning.

Others flipped for a deal and are now playing a part in this movie.

The best thing you can do right now is just wake up to the truth that being shown to you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you.

I'll warn you now. Things will get stranger from here.

If you pay attention and listen to what I've told you here, you'll laugh.

If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS, you'll cry.

Whatever you do, please don't call Joe Biden president.

He's really long gone, and his double has no power.

Enjoy the show.

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Julian Assange


Sat. 19 Oct. 2024: Global Military Checkpoints to Enforce NESARA/GESARA During 10 Days of Darkness! ALERT! 700,000 Indictments Exposed, Arrests Already Underway: EBS Documentaries and QFS Activation …Mr. Pool on Telegram

· The storm is here, and there’s no stopping what’s coming. Every move has been calculated. Now, the global military alliance is ready to dismantle the corrupt power structures that have oppressed humanity for too long. This isn’t business as usual. Military Movements are occurring right under our noses. High-ranking generals, experts in psychological and cyber warfare, have been called back to duty for this critical mission. Special forces, including Navy SEALs, Delta Force, and British SAS, are deployed within their borders, ready to neutralize key Cabal operatives. This is a coordinated, global takedown, happening in over 100 countries. These movements are surgical, aimed directly at the heart of the Cabal's leadership.

· The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is coming, and it will change everything. A Worldwide Communication Blackout is imminent. This isn’t just about preventing the Cabal from coordinating—it’s about installing a secure, quantum internet immune to their manipulations. The old internet, riddled with backdoors and surveillance, will be replaced. Military forces have seized control of satellites, ensuring global communication is locked down when the time comes. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is in motion. More than a financial reset, it's the end of the Cabal's financial stranglehold. Secret bank accounts, offshore havens, and illicit wealth are being exposed. Trillions in assets are being seized as the world shifts to a new credit-based system that will end debt slavery. Imagine waking up to find your debts—mortgages, student loans, credit cards—erased. This isn’t speculation; it’s a reality unfolding now.

· EBS Broadcasts will reveal the darkest truths. Prepare for documentaries that expose the Cabal's most evil acts—human trafficking, ritual abuse, and more. Whistleblowers have risked their lives to bring this evidence forward. The EBS will broadcast non-stop, delivering these revelations directly to the people. High-profile arrests, confessions, and trials will be shown to the world. The elite’s crimes will be laid bare for all to see. Global Arrests are in full swing. Over 700,000 indictments have been filed, and arrests are happening. Private jets are grounded, passports seized, and high-ranking officials taken in the dead of night. This isn’t just happening in the U.S.—it’s a global phenomenon. Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East—no corner of the world is untouched.

· This is the final countdown. Prepare now. Follow the EBS instructions, stay vigilant, and brace for what’s coming. The Cabal is desperate, and there will be attempts to spread disinformation and create chaos. But remember: nothing can stop what’s coming. We are witnessing the great awakening. The old world is ending, and a new world is rising. Stay strong, stay united, and trust the plan. You are the storm.

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