7 hours ago

Salvation Prayer :

Holy Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I ask for Your forgiveness and I repent of all my sins, transgressions and iniquities. I want a new life and I know only You can provide that. So I openly accept You, Jesus, to be my Savior and Lord over my life all of my days. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me that I may have the strength to follow and obey You. I ask that You would make Yourself and Your kingdom more real to me than the realm I live in. Thank You for a new life and another chance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

After you have said this prayer and meant it in your heart, confess to others that you have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Read God's word, and ask The Lord to lead you to a loving Christian spiritfilled fellowship, and ask them to baptize you in water with full immersion.
Pray and also ask them to pray for you for the baptism of The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will help you to live the christian life.

Deliverance Prayer :
I come to You, Lord, as my deliverer. I repent of all my sins and the sins of my ancestors that have caused curses to come down my family line. You know all my problems, all the things that bind, torment, defile and harass me. I refuse to accept anything from Satan and loose myself from every dark spirit, evil influence, satanic bondage, and every spirit in me that is not of Christ Jesus, and I command them to leave now, in Jesus’ name. I confess that my body is the temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified and justified, by the Blood of Jesus. Therefore, Satan has no place in me and no power over me, through the Blood of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now renounce, break, and loose myself, my spouse and all my children, from: all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, bondages, bonds of physical and mental illness, bastard curses, and all other curses upon me and my family line, as a result of sin, transgressions, iniquities, ungodly soul ties, idolatry, adultery, prostitution, unforgiveness, rebellion, incest, occult, and psychic involvements of myself, my parents, my ancestors, my spouse and ex-spouses and their parents and ancestors, in Jesus’ name. I thank You, Lord, for setting me free!!!!!!
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break and loose myself, spouse and all my children, from any and all: evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchments, witchcraft or sorcery, addictions, perversions, fears, and hatred that have been put upon me, or my family line, from any person or persons, or from any occult source. I now break and loose myself from all sickness, disease and infirmities, that have caused damage to my body from the result of these curses and loose myself from every ungodly soul tie that is hindering my growth to walk with the Master, Christ Jesus, and I am willing to receive all the blessings the Lord has for me. In Jesus’ name!!! Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free!!!
My Lord, I now ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit that I may have the power to fight against the devil and to overcome temptation. I also ask to be filled with Your love, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, that I may be about my Father’s business in truth and spirit. I ask this all in Jesus’ name!!! Thank You, Father God, for answering all these prayers. Amen!!!!

Music by Crowder. All rights reserved copyright owner. Only used for gospel/truth sharing.

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