3 hours ago


From 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne):
We train, man, and equip Special Operations Forces Soldiers & units to conduct special operations worldwide in support of GCC, U.S. Ambassador and the Nation’s priorities. On order, 1st SFC (Airborne) deploys a Special Operations Headquarters to conduct Mission Command of Special Operations, Conventional, Joint, and/or Coalition Forces anywhere in the world in support of GCC, U.S. Ambassador and the Nation’s priorities.
We are founded upon a tradition of excellence established by those who came before us: the toughest, best trained Team of all time. We honor them, we remember our fallen, and safeguard those we’re sworn to serve.

Because of the over-standard length, this work is aimed toward the feature-movie sync market.

My tentative video script depicts a US Army Special Forces Green Beret {his HAT to which the song refers, as is shown on establishing shots} returning temporarily from active hot-zone duty to Arlington National Cemetery to bury his beloved wife, a fallen soldier who had been fighting on the same horrifying Afghanistan battlefield as her Cowboy husband.

Years after this song was written, I discovered that in late 60s Viet Nam a similar character {also nicknamed Cowboy!} roamed those deadly valleys for three enlistments. That reluctant hero made it home intact.

In my video script, Cowboy is a grizzled war-ravaged white man, his wife a diminutive black lady, equally tough in battle. The ending scene of the video, some time after his honorable discharge {graying hair, disparaged look, discreetly swigging from a pocket flask}, shows him steering his civilian long-haul truck at full speed off a high canyon bridge {for the video maybe the I. B. Perrine Bridge over the Snake River Canyon in Idaho?} with the ending video graphic superimposed over his final scene {I very much want him to live, but once they've bought the script that's up to the Producer/Director}.

[This recording was done over a weekend at Cody Brooks' home studio in Nashville with only family participants, me on lead vocal and acoustic guitar, Cody Brooks did all the engineering and played most of the instruments, sang harmony with his dad Ed Brooks, with the great Bee Taylor performing on guitar and female harmony.]

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