If Donald Trump Is Hitler Reincarnated What Message Are They Sending?

3 months ago

If Hitler was absolutely the enemy and must have been captured and killed. And if Donald Trump is Hitler reincarnated does that mean Trump has to be killed? They have begged for the voters, they have told you the economy is better, stock market is up, the rate of inflation is down, and prices are coming down, they have tried to assassinate Trump, they have tried everything and nothing is working. One thing you have to understand about John Kelly is that these generals are coming out of the military industrial complex. Eisenhower in the 1950s. Trump went against it. These statements from John Kelly are not new.
When you see a tweet, relax before you retweet or react. The last thing we want to do is give Gabe Sterling, Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger make them look creditable. There are things that are happening right now that are lifting their resale value for 2026.
What is happening at CNN? We know that MSNBC is a campaign arm of the DNC, so nothing there of any balance. Trump has talked about pulling the broadcast license from CBS. Why do you think some of the media is participating in taking down Kamala Harris? CNN is not full throated going after Kamala but they are reporting some stuff. Donald Trump gets elected, watch and see if Elon Musk is going to buy CNN or maybe some of the networks thinks Trump is serious about pulling the license or putting them in jail.
The Kamala Harris town hall…
There are concerns about Donald Trump, but he is not surrounding himself with uniparty republicans. He has to have the republican party to get on the ballot. There aren’t any warmongers surrounding Donald Trump.
Joe Rogan is not 60 minutes, Anderson Cooper, MSNBC. Trump has thrown the knockout punch, but he will finish with Joe Rogan on Friday. Kamala is going to The Eclipse to give a speech on how dangerous Trump is.
They want to tell you that the election is tied. If the election is tied, half the country not realizing the 911 call from John Kelly. But you have to come to a reality they are creating a new world order without the US.

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