President Putin Welcomes The Genocidal War Criminal Abiy Ahmed Ali to the Kremlin

3 months ago

► Connect the dots...

BRICS Five New Members (Ezekiel 38/Psalm 83):

• UAE (Islamic)
• IRAN (Islamic)
• SAUDI ARABIA (Islamic)
• EGYPT (Islamic)
• ETHIOPIA (Orthodox Christian)

☆ Western and Eastern ally and CIA agent, genocidal Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia is there. (mind-blowing, isn't it??
☆ Genocide enabler UN Secretary-General António Guterres is in Ethiopia to congratulate African genociders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – and he is expected to travel to Kazan, Russia to meet genocidal Ahmed and co. again.

Genocidal Abiy Ahmed Ali, even according to his words, is CIA agent, babysitted by the US, EU, UN, AU and by the Muslim World and the Arab Legue.

BOTH THE EAST (Ishmael) AND THE WEST (Edom) take good care of the genocidal fascist Oromo regime of Ethiopia and its PM. They applaud this monster, invite him to Moscow, Berlin, Paris and Washington – they give prestigious awards and honors to him as long as he continues massacring Ancient Orthodox Christians in large numbers. This is unique in the entire world, in world history.

😈 Genocidal Abiy Ahmed Ali, Laureate of:
☆ The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
☆ The 2019 UNESCO Peace Prize
☆ The 2019 Hessian Peace Prize (Revoked in 2021)
☆ The 2022 Global Islamic Finance Award
☆ The 2024 UN/ FAO Agricola Medal.

There is an idea that the Russian state, represented by Moscow, is the “Third Rome” that succeeded Rome and Constantinople and has a mission to save the world. So, the question is, are ancient Oriental Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia, Egypt, Armenia and Syria and 'impediment to this mission?' Why is Russia cozying up to the Muslim persecutors and genociders of ancient Orthodox Christians?

☪ The Union of Ishmael and Esau that is shaking the world continues!
❖ People of the flesh are united in persecuting those of the spirit!

👉 From November 2020 till today:

❖ 2 Million Orthodox Christians were Brutally Massacred
❖ 200.000 Orthodox Christian children, Women, even nuns were raped and abused
❖ Over a Million female Ethiopian slaves were sold to Arab countries
❖ up to 20 Million Ethiopians are Starved

by the fascist Muslim-Protestant Oromo army of PM AbiyAhmed Ali and his Arab, Israeli, Turkish, Iranian, European, American, Russian, Ukrainian, African allies.

Edomites and Ishmaelites working together with their ideological/ spiritual Oromo brothers to destroy Jacobites – Orthodox Christians.

The likes of one of Abiy Ahmed's advisors, Senator Jim Inhofe want War & The Ezekiel 38/Psalm 83 Prophecies Fulfilled. Edomites (Heretic Protestants) fundamentalists who believe in the apocalyptic myth of “the rapture” are trying to shape the agenda of End Time Revelation by pushing Ethiopia/Cush towards their version of „The Beast alliance“ winch consists of Russia, China, Arabia, Turkey and Iran: The Ezekiel 38/Psalm 83 Prophecies: Russia, Iran and Muslim Nations against spiritual Israel which is Christianity – Orthodox Christianity

1. War among Orthodox Brothers of Russia & Ukraine. The instigators: Edomites of The West & Ishmaelites of The East. Both sides in the Ukraine conflict are using jihadists on the battlefield.

2. War Among Orthodox Brothers of Tigray, Eritrea & Amhara. The instigators: Edomites of The West & Ishmaelites of The East and their Oromo agents.

3. Both Orthodox brothers of Russia & Ukraine + Western nations + Muslim nations offered financial, political and military support to help the fascist Oromo regime of Ethiopia wage a four year long genocidal war on Orthodox Christians of Tigray. Mind boggling, isn't it!? The world upside down!

🔥 የዩክሬን ጦርነት አሳይቶናል፡-
😈 በኢሉሚናዊ - ሉሲፈሪያን - ሜሶናዊ - ሰይጣናዊ አጀንዳዎችን የሚከተሉት የምዕራባውያኑ ኤዶማውያን - ምስራቃውያኑ እስማኤላውያን አካላት ፣ ቡድኖች እና ግለሰቦች በጥንታውያኑ ኦሮቶዶክስ ክርስቲያኖች ላይ በአጠቃላይ ባለፉት ሦስት መቶ ዓመታት፣ በተለይ ላለፉት መቶ ሰላሣ ዓመታት እና ዛሬ የዘር ማጥፋት ጂሃድ በማካሄድ ላይ ያለውንና በክፉው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አሊ የሚመራውን የፋሺስት ጋላ-ኦሮሞ አገዛዝን እየረዱ ነው።

🔥 የዩክሬን ጦርነት ያሳየን፡-
😈 እነዚህም ሃገራት፣ ተቋማት፣ አካላት፣ ቡድኖችና ግለሰቦች፤

🔥 የተባበሩት መንግስታት
🔥 የተባበሩት መንግስታት የምግብ እና እርሻ ድርጅት (ፋኦ)
☆ የአለም ጤና ድርጅት
🔥 አንቶኒዮ ጉቴሬስ
☆ ቴድሮስ አድሃኖም ገብረእየሱስ
☆ ክላውስ ሽዋብ
☆ የአውሮፓ ህብረት
🔥 የአፍሪካ ህብረት
☆ አሜሪካ፣ ካናዳ እና ኩባ
☆ ፕሬዝዳንቶች ባይደን እና ትራምፕ
🔥 ሩሲያ
☆ ዩክሬን
☆ ቻይና
☆ እስራኤል
☆ የአረብ ሀገራት / የአረብ ሊግ / የተባበሩት አረብ ኤሚራቶች
☆ ደቡብ ኢትዮጵያውያን
☆ አማራዎች
☆ ጋላ-ኦሮሞዎች
☆ ኤርትራ
☆ ጅቡቲ
☆ ኬንያ
☆ ሱዳን
☆ ሶማሊያ
☆ ግብፅ
☆ ኢራን
☆ ፓኪስታን
☆ ህንድ
☆ አዘርባጃን
☆ አምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል
☆ ሂዩማን ራይትስ ዎች
☆ የአለም ምግብ ፕሮግራም (2020 የኖቤል የሰላም ተሸላሚ)
☆ የኖቤል ሽልማት ኮሚቴ
☆ የአለም ኢኮኖሚ መድረክ
☆ የአለም ባንክ እና የአለም የገንዘብ ድርጅት
☆ ኢ-አማኒያን እና አኒሚስቶች
☆ ሙስሊሞች
☆ ፕሮቴስታንቶች
☆ ሰዶማውያን
☆ ዋና የሜዲያ ተቋማት
☆ ፌስቡክ ፣ ዩቲውብ
☆ ህወሓት

💭 እነዛ አንዱ የሌላው ጠላት የሆኑት ብሄሮች እንኳን እንደ፡ ‘እስራኤል vs ኢራን’፣ ‘ሩሲያ + ቻይና vs ዩክሬን + ምዕራባውያን’፣ ‘ግብፅ + ሱዳን vs ኢራን + ቱርክ’፣ ‘ህንድ vs ፓኪስታን’ አሁን ጓደኛሞች ሆነዋል – እንደ ሁሉም በጸረ-ክርስቲያን ጸረ-ጽዮን-ኢትዮጵያዊ-ሴራ አንድ ናቸው። ይህ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በፊት ሆኖ አያውቅም, በጣም አስገራሚ ክስተት ነው - በአለም ታሪክ ውስጥ እንግዳ የሆነ ልዩ ገጽታ.

✞ ከጽዮናዊት አክሱማዊቷ-ኢትዮጵያውያን ጋር፡-
❖ ሁሉን ቻይ የሆነው እግዚአብሔር እና ቅዱሳኑ
❖ ጽዮን ማርያም
❖ የቃል ኪዳኑ ታቦት / ታቦተ ጽዮን

🔥 The War in Ukraine Shows us:
😈 United by their Illuminist-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanist agendas The following Edomite-Ishmaelite entities, bodies and individuals are helping the genocidal fascist Oromo regime of evil AbiyAhmed Ali:

☆ The World Health Organization
☆ Tedros Adhanom
☆ Klaus Schwab
☆ The European Union
🔥 The African Union / Moussa Faki Mahamat
☆ The United States, Canada & Cuba
☆ Presidents Biden & Trump
☆ Ukraine
☆ China
☆ Israel
☆ Arab States / Arab League /UAE
☆ Southern Ethiopians
☆ Amharas
☆ Oromos
☆ Eritrea
☆ Djibouti
☆ Kenya
☆ Sudan
☆ Somalia
☆ Egypt
☆ Iran
☆ Pakistan
☆ India
☆ Azerbaijan
☆ Amnesty International
☆ Human Rights Watch
☆ World Food Program (2020 Nobel Peace Laureate)
☆ The Nobel Prize Committee
☆ The World Economic Forum
☆ The World Bank & International Monetary Fund
☆ The Atheists and Animists
☆ The Muslims
☆ The Protestants
☆ The Sodomites
☆ Mainstream Media

💭 Even those nations that are one another enemies, like: 'Israel vs Iran', 'Russia + China vs Ukraine + The West', 'Egypt + Sudan vs Iran + Turkey', 'India vs Pakistan' have now become friends – as they are all united in the anti-Christian, anti-Zionist-Ethiopia-Conspiracy. This has never ever happened before, it is a very curios phenomenon – a strange unique appearance in world history.

✞ With the Zionist Tigray-Ethiopians are:
❖ The Almighty Egziabher God & His Saints
❖ St. Mary of Zion
❖ The Ark of The Covenant

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