TONGUES: How To Speak Divinely Created Words For Creative Miracles

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In this video, we explore the profound connection between Isaiah 57:19 and Acts 2:4, unveiling the miraculous nature of praying in tongues and how it demonstrates God’s supernatural work from beginning to end.

Isaiah 57:19 declares, “I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” says the Lord, “And I will heal him.” This powerful verse shows that God is the one who creates the words we speak, even promising peace and healing through those words. It’s a reminder that our lips, when yielded to God, become a vessel for His creative power and divine purpose.

In Acts 2:4, we read the account of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Here, we see the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, who enables believers to speak in new languages, or tongues, through His power.

Praying in Tongues: God Creates the Words and the Answers

Isaiah 57:19 tells us that God creates “the fruit of the lips,” which beautifully ties into the experience of praying in tongues described in Acts 2:4. When we pray in tongues, it is not us forming the words—God Himself is creating them. Just as He promised to create words of peace and healing in Isaiah, when we pray in the Spirit, we are allowing God to create the words on our lips, in the sense that we aren't mentally coming up with the prayers. Although they may be human languages, they are spoken by those who don't understand what they are saying (1 Corinthians 14:2 “no man understands him”, including the one doing the speaking. However, there are cases in modern times when people in the presence of one speaking with tongues did know what was said, even though the one speaking in tongues didn't). These words are divinely inspired, coming directly from the Holy Spirit who gives us the utterance, as described in Acts 2:4.

Praying in tongues is miraculous in itself, but it doesn’t stop there. Not only does God create the words we speak, but He also creates supernatural answers to those prayers. The prayers that the Holy Spirit inspires in us align perfectly with God's will, which means the answers that follow are also divinely orchestrated. It’s God working through us from start to finish—He creates the prayer, we yield our tongues to Him, and He brings the supernatural answers into existence.

Yielding to the Holy Spirit in Prayer

Isaiah 57:19 highlights God’s ability to create healing and peace through the words He inspires. When we pray in tongues, we are yielding our lips to the Holy Spirit, trusting Him to guide our prayers. Acts 2:4 shows how the early believers allowed the Spirit to move through them, speaking as He gave them the utterance. In the same way, when we yield to the Holy Spirit today, we are inviting Him to take control of our tongues and direct our prayers in accordance with God’s will.

Supernatural Prayers Lead to Supernatural Answers

Even they may at times be human languages, (at times angelic languages 1 Corinthians 13:1) the prayers we pray in tongues are not just words out of our heads—they are divinely created by God and spoken out of our spirits, and because they come from Him, the answers to those prayers are equally supernatural. Isaiah 57:19 promises peace and healing through the words God creates, and when we pray in tongues, we are releasing those same divine promises into our lives and circumstances. It is a powerful reminder that when we engage in Spirit-led prayer, we are engaging in a supernatural process where God moves miraculously on our behalf.

Praying in tongues is an act of co-laboring with God. As we surrender our tongues to Him, we partner with the Holy Spirit in a heavenly dialogue that brings about God's perfect will on earth. Every time we pray in the Spirit, we are participating in God’s creative power, speaking forth prayers that He has ordained, and releasing divine answers that have the potential to bring peace, healing, and transformation.

Conclusion: Stepping into a Life of Spirit-Led Prayer

Isaiah 57:19 and Acts 2:4 offer us a glimpse into the miraculous nature of Spirit-led prayer. When we humble ourselves and allow God to create the words on our lips, we enter into a supernatural prayer life where God’s power is at work in every word. Praying in tongues is a divine partnership, where God not only inspires the prayers but also creates the answers.

It’s a journey into deeper intimacy with God, where you allow the Holy Spirit to take control, guiding your prayers and releasing God’s supernatural power into your life.

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