11 Compulsory food service

3 months ago

Living Off the Grid in the City Podcast. Food has become an object of exploitation by governments and private entities, who make us believe that we have no choice but to buy their food, despite paying high prices and consuming chemicals. We are often denied the ability to produce our own food, making us dependent on these corrupt entities. However, we have the choice to demand affordable and safe food, and to produce our own food. Throughout history, there have been food crises caused by the centralization of food production, leading to shortages and rising prices. Many people lack the knowledge and resources to produce their own food, perpetuating dependence on these entities. It is outrageous that many people are prohibited from keeping farm animals or growing food on their own land. Food is a human right and should be freely available to those who cannot afford it or work to get it.
Living Off the Grid in the City Podcast
Hector Vladimir 2024©
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