It's Time To Uncover Who They Are

4 months ago

The surveillance industry operates by design in a shrouded, opaque manner. It's intentionally difficult for the public to understand the vast and intricate network of companies, subsidiaries,
partnerships, affiliations, and even the financial backers of data brokers and surveillance-as-a-service companies.

I chat with the creator of Surveillance Watch, an activist from Bahrain whose website is a mammoth effort to lift the veil on this industry, revealing the names and connections of clandestine entities, how they are funded, and which countries are using their services.

00:00 Data is Being Weaponized Against Absolutely Everyone
02:46 Why Surveillance Watch was Created
03:58 The Shroud of Secrecy
09:26 Overview of the Surveillance Capitalism Industry
14:31 Why People Should be Concerned
21:06 Long Term Considerations
23:03 Testimonial
24:09 It Is Not Too Late to Change Online Habits
27:24 A Society of Orwellian Double-Speak
29:35 Privacy is Not Just About You
33:38 The Chilling Effect of Pervasive Surveillance
39:54 Explaining the Reality of Threat Levels
46:08 It Is Naive to Dismiss Privacy
47:38 Your Data WILL Fall Into The Wrong Hands
50:46 Explore the Surveillance Watch Website
51:53 Submit to Surveillance Watch

The Public is only just starting to understand how deep all of this goes, which is why sites like Surveillance Watch are so vital. It’s an incredibly important tool to help people map out the surveillance apparatus in a way that they can really understand.

Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Sam Ettaro, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell

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