karbid power generator

5 hours ago

Calcium carbide power system with waste energy recovery
A calcium carbide based power system for stationary and mobile power plants. The carbide is reacted with water to create heat and acetylene, with the acetylene then being burned to heat a boiler for providing steam to a steam expander. The exhaust of the steam expander is condensed and pumped back into the boiler, first being pre-heated by a heat exchanger using the heat in burner exhaust gas and then in the carbide-water reactor to further pre-heat the boiler makeup water (steam) and to cool the reactor. The system may limit the excess water required for the carbide-water reactor, and provides recovery of the heat given off in the generation and combustion of the acetylene for maximum system efficiency. The system may further provide for preheating the combustion air with waste heat from the exhaust of the steam expander. The system may further provide for preheating the combustion air with heat from the acetylene produced by the reactor, thereby removing moisture from the acetylene. Dissociated hydrogen may be recovered from the exhaust of the steam expander by cyclonic separation and burned as fuel in the boiler.

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