The Begining, "World Council For The Preservation Of Ancestral Rights"

4 months ago

Today i announce the beginning of the "World Council For The Preservation of Ancestral Rights", This is a council for everyone, as rightful inheritors, caretakers and beneficiaries of our perpetually abundant mother earth, we must remember our ancient ancestral rights to access everything we could ever require during our short visit on the planet. We are transient and must leave a magnificent legacy for our future loved ones. We must remind those among us that seek more than their fair share, that depriving and abusing those less fortunate is ignorant and short sighted, we have more than enough to go round.
We live on an earth of perpetual abundance that by any stretch of the imagination is the perfect example of the garden of Eden. We must regain our sense of self, that we once understood as truth and reshape the paths that are leading us to disaster.
I hope that you will find the time to listen to what i have to say, and forgive my lack of video skills. This is just the start, today our power returns.

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