The Fix Is In: Maricopa County Says It Could Take 10 To 13 Days To Tabulate The Votes

3 months ago

Posted • October 23, 2024: Maricopa County has a two-page ballot this year and says that could make it take 10 to 13 days to tabulate the results, even with extra tabulating machines and extra staff working extra hours. People who vote in person on Election Day will likely see their results tabulated that night, but then there are those hundreds of thousands who are waiting until Election Day to drop off their ballots at a drop box. Those will take more than a week to be tabulated. Maricopa County has announced it could take 10–13 days to tabulate the votes. What!? Texas has a population of over 30 million and they are able to tabulate their results and report them on election night. I don’t know because I’m not an expert in the calculation of votes but it seems odd that Maricopa county needs 13 days. We are being scammed. How many counties like this are planning to delay the votes? They are setting the stage for election fraud. This certainly isn't the only county (or state) that's going to need more than a day to tabulate the results. But 13 days? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Maricopa County Says It Could Take 10 to 13 Days to Tabulate the Votes

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