3 months ago

What’s happened in America over the last 52 years is utterly mind blowing. America has 18 security agencies guarding America’s best interest’s supposedly. They are equipped with the best facial recognition software in the world and the best voice sound recognition software on the planet. They can pick people out of a crowd like at the Jan 6 supposed break in to the capital buildings, just from video recording, they have been able to round up hundreds, and jail them all. But for fifty-two years they have missed many hundreds of Biden imposters and Obama imposter, raping and pillaging America for the Demon rats and making themselves all multi millionaires. There is only one explanation. The bloody lot of them are all complicit in the raping and pillaging. The proof of that is in the July 13 attack on Trump. Americans do not have the slightest idea what happened, and may never find out should Trump lose. The entire democratic establishment, including all 18 supposed security agencies, the deep state, and many other bad actors all colluded and conspired, planned and executed a massive ‘TRUMP ASSASSINATION PRACTICE REHEARSAL” At Butler field, a week before, on the 7th July. The most massive cover, up is currently underway because the entire government is facing treason charges because the Secret Service Snipers missed.

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