The Doctrine Of Rewards - Episode 28

4 months ago

The doctrine of rewards is a fascinating study because it is often glossed over or not discussed by Bible teachers, largely due to either incorrect theology or an underdeveloped doctrine of sanctification. Many unfortunately teach that all believers will receive all the rewards outlined in the New Testament, but this is far from the truth. Scripture teaches that salvation is a free gift, but rewards are earned through discipleship and sanctification. Rewards are based on our good works, sacrifice, faithfulness, and dedication in our Christian lives. Rewards are not automatic; they must be earned, as illustrated in many parables and admonitions in scripture. To achieve them, believers must go the extra mile in their walk with the Lord. Rewards can also be lost, as shown in the story of the prodigal son and as outlined by the Apostle Paul when he discusses the Bema seat. Rewards serve as a significant motivation for discipleship, sanctification, and holy living. Paul emphasized this by stating that he did not want to be disqualified for the prize, referring to rewards, not salvation. Some rewards include ruling and reigning with Christ, eating from the tree of life, receiving a new name, and others indicate rewards of responsibility, authority, and the kind of service one will be doing for the Lord for all eternity.

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