Organs harvested from living people at $5M profit per murder

3 months ago

Organ Harvesting and the Brain Death Fallacy

The opioid epidemic has become the leading cause of death among organ donors, which the medical community calls the only “silver lining” to the crisis. The medical-industrial complex cares not for the well-being of the American people, so long as the profitable organ harvesting pipeline continues. Meanwhile, the nebulous medical term “brain death” was cooked up by Harvard elites as an excuse to carry out all sorts of unethical medical transplants.

The Murder of Stephanie Mendez

NASHVILLE TENN -- My gf was butchered alive for adrenochrome by a jew Dr Frankenstein who was the leader of US Senate. Her brain and beating heart were sawed from her living body without pain meds nor sedatives, only a paralyzing daterape drug to stop her screaming and running away in terror for maximum adrenochrome, and $5M profit. All her vital signs were normal, her brainwaves spiked when we talked to her, she had a positive pain response, she was jumping on the hospital bed, but kept in a forced coma on fentanyl instead of given narcan antidote. She overdosed during a ride from a nigger drug dealer named Dopeman who was an employee of the organ harvest company owned by billionaire transplant surgeon Dr Frankenstein, who also owned the hospital and HMO, and adopted pets from animal shelters to butcher them alive, a felony. Was he the dr with jew Hellary Clinton in her Frazzledrip cannibal snuff kiddie porn videos on the Laptop from Hell seized by NYPD and FBI from pedophile jew felon Congressman Weiner, disgussed on TV by Blackwater CEO Eric Prince, and President Trump and his lawyers? Metro Police officers and detectives said they were ordered to stand dawn by Democrat DA bribed by Nazi jew George Soros.

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