Why Shadow-work is Essential: SECRETS Keep You Asleep - Awakening In CLARITY

4 months ago

This video is about how and why the human race is actually moving - past - the "Age of the authority and rulership of and through Secrecy" and into the Transparency of the Light of Christ in the "Second Coming," or "Aquarian Age" where none of the persistent and incessant anguish, the wars and other loosh-feeding violent feeding frenzies and bloodbaths of the deceptive ET's will be any longer possible - gradually - as more ensouled humans wake up. By willingness to actually face the parts of the psyche that they are afraid of, to "look in the blind spot in the rearview mirror," sooner or later, the trauma bonds to the psychopath false rulers will be lifted - from within the minds of the Awakened Ones, thereby marking the "age of enlightenment," - the beginning of Timelessness, the reentrance into the Queendom of Heaven on Earth in Christ Gnosis - but it will require a tremendous amount of cleanup work - and this intense, million years of gradual attempted takeover by the fallen angels ain't over quite yet! By having the strong courage, tenacity, self-respect and awareness, all wars can end much sooner, within YOU. Enjoy

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