Trauma Apocalypse: Full Metal Ox Day 1335

4 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1335
Friday 25, October 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1400
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Trauma Apocalypse

I thought this was a good click-baity title just because so many people are airing their trauma like... like what? I don't even know. Why would anyone be traumatized in this glorious worldin which we live. Just a note; today's essay, especially this part has little if anything to do with today's episode. There seem to be a LOT of people out there who are making a living off of other peoples' trauma. Maybe trauma is real. There are folks in my extended family who are battling it. I'm too far removed to know the details. I am curious about it though. One of these days I'll tell the story of how I fought off, (or so I believe) what might have been "diagnosed" as a "nervous breakdown" had it have gotten the better of me.

I fought and won. And I swore I'd never go back. Of course I was enlisted at the time.

There was this episode of X-Files that intrigued me. The subject was a photographer. (I was once a photographer. It was actually my career.) The photographer was "chasing death." He'd cheated Death once before, so the Photog had lived over a century. It's not that he'd "cheated" Death. He saw death coming a looked away so Death left him alone and subsequently he lived nearly 150 years, using different names. This episode gave me the idea that I'd fought off "something" (a loss of self control? Maybe we'll call it Trauma.) And it hasn't returned. Or maybe it has, but I've become stronger still so it doesn't have the same effect.

There's a Rant Cast today about what's been going on in the world. If you still consume Legacy Media you're being lied to, either straight on or by omission.

Before that we talk about our reason for being here. Where ever you are. However, if you are traumatized, maybe that's what's blocking you from knowing your Raison d'Etre.

I saw a meme. I think it was targeted towards Black Women. "You can't achieve your way out of trauma." (Or maybe it was anxiety.)

More and more, even on a psychological plane, people are discovering that what they were told about education, achievement, self esteem, and everything else, were lies.

Have a lovely weekend.

Today's Episode:

EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 10] Functional Fall. Deadlifting is still a thing, however we sustained what we deemed a nerve injury that we are still recovering from. (We know the difference between nerve ache & muscle soreness, we think.) Our Autumn plan is for more dynamic movement, rotation, jump training, body weight work. Still working towards strength & power via lifting, but also isometric holds, balance, dead hangs, and various assisted moves. Still working towards, muscle ups, plange, front lever, pistol squats and a few more gymnastic moves. The work is beneficial even if it takes us "forever" to hit those moves. I can feel some dormant muscles activate upon attempting various moves & positions.

Snuck One In: MBB/FN-13 Wednesday -

Back on Track (Leg Bomb) Ep:96 Tuesday:

Upper Body Vanity:Ep 95 (Saturday)

Friday Comeback: Episode 94 (YT is glitching. Maybe "Untitled" Videos will work in our favor:

Minimalist Maneuvers 01: (Tuesday) Indoor fitness recap:

Did We Jinx it? Thorsday Ep 93 -

Super Tuesday Ep 92 -

Weather Power Sol Day MBB 29/F12 -

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Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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