Myrmidon Rising - First Nuzlocke Challenge - Pokemon Blue pt. 2

3 months ago

Last time I ended right in front of Mt. Moon, and so join me on the arduous trek through the most bullshit-infested place in Gen 1. The Nuzlocke challenge aspect of this is forcing me to rethink how I play, as is the fact that Im recording with the intention of at least kinda sorta entertaining someone somewhere on this planet. So I dont just spend an hour mindlessly grinding until everyone's level 20 by Cerulean City. So there's a bunch of close calls, dumb liberal usage of items, and a massive level imbalance as my Squirtle - now Wartortle, Washington (G.Wash the GOAT) - is the only Pokemon that does even remotely well in Mt. Moon.

Dont forget to check out my writing at it's stupid too but in text form

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