No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 071: Bugs, polishing, tooltips, and executable icon

4 months ago

Streamed on 2024-10-23 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Today was full of so many small items; I don't know if I can break it down into a succinct narrative for the description. We tackled a bunch of small bugs, look and feel issues, and loose ends. The biggest issue I tackled was a bit of rework on tooltips. They now resize for their content, don't get stuck with no alpha, and only show when you don't move the mouse, so activation is much more deliberate.

At the end of the screen I updated our build so the executable has an icon and application data for Windows. I also suppressed the console from popping open when I run the executable from the Finder. The executable feels much more professional now. The TODO list is growing shorter.

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