Robert F. Kennedy Jr's campaign manager Amaryllis Fox

4 months ago
RFK Jr's campaign manager Amaryllis Fox, who #RFKJr calls "the smartest person in the world," spoke Monday night via Zoom to hundreds of national #MAHA volunteers about progress being made by Bobby on Trump's Transition Team, the importance of Kennedy supporters voting for Trump in every state, and much more! She talked with #MAHA activists for over an hour & was joined at the end by a surprise appearance from Kyle Kemper!

Amaryllis Fox speaks about meetings and correspondance between DJT and RFK Jr. She speaks about the media deception about RFK Jr and DJT. The fight against chronic health in the U.S. is their focus. Those who still beleive DJT pushed the covid jab, may want to search for videos where he speaks about childhood vaccines and the changes that appear in children shortly after a series of "vaccines."

RFK Jr. and DJT spoke about a vaccine safety commission in early January 2017.

I do not know why this did not happen, but suspect there was sabotage within those that surrounded DJT. I learned in 2021 that many that were part of the Trump 45 administration had sabotaged much of what DJT had wanted to accomplish for the U.S.

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) had filed a lawsuit against HHS concerning vaccine safety. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was signed by President Ronald Reagan granted the pharmaceutical companies economic immunity. VP Georege H.W. Bush was managing the Reagan administration from March 1981 (assassination attempt on Reagan) forward. The U.S. Congress had charged the secretary of HHS with explicit instructions to shared reports of vaccine safety. That never happened. The ICAN lawsuit revealed this information.

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