The Electric Truck Madness: Why This Won't Work

13 hours ago

They don't know what they're doing I mean think of it They want to go to all electric cars the whole thing electric They need nine trillion dollars I read the other day to do a charging station Max He owns the gasoline stuff And to do a charging station And they built 8 charging stations up in the Midwest someplace they spent nine billion dollars I kid you not You know what that is A charging station is like a gas pump It's the equivalent of a gas pump They spent nine billion dollars for 8 charging stations So if you look at it that way if you did the whole country you would have spent thirty trillion dollars okay Which is more than the country which is every country in the world It's so out of control It's so horrible And they don't want to change The truckers came in to see me The truckers are great They have trucks that can go from New York to Los Angeles on a tank of diesel fuel And they came in almost crying They said these people are crazy They want us to go to electric trucks And the problem is they don't go far They'd have to stop 6 times I mean you talk about no deliveries They have to stop 6 times They're two and a half times heavier than gasoline or diesel So the truck would weigh two and a half I said well that could be a problem right Yes you'd have to rebuild every bridge in the United States because they can't hear What do you think of that Carlos So now if you're a child you'd say okay that doesn't work You know those 2 things right It doesn't go far And the other thing third thing is they'd have to use half of the capacity for the battery because the battery takes up tremendous amounts of room much more than a load of diesel fuel which is you know something And by the way even little things I'll give you a little boring facts As the truck goes the fuel gets lighter The battery stays the same weight So it's massively heavy and it takes up about 50 percent of the area that you're supposed to use to transport it So it doesn't work So normally what you do is say all right after about would you say 3 minutes Carlos 3 minutes you'd say okay let's get on to the next That doesn't work They say we don't care We want you to do it And these truckers are beside themselves

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