The Truth About Elian and America's Divide

4 months ago

They took him out The family had fought to keep him in this country under pressure from Castro They took him out Our DOJ took him out Janet Reno You know Mr President DOJ has not gotten much better since then even under some Republican presidents But to me the 3letter agencies is the 4th branch of government This warfare that's gone against you and it's one of the ones that are taking this country away But we had a day of protests I was here I was living in Florida at that time when Elian was taken And they expected that Miami would burn like other protests around the country by other groups But nothing happened And why is that Because the Cuban community the Colombian community the Venezuelan community have built Miami And they've built this country They're the working class And when you build you don't destroy The other side of loving and building and creating is hating and destroying and dividing And that's what's happened We've also we have become from the land of opportunity to the land of exploitation And the exploiter in truth in chief is Kamala Harris and this administration And I don't say that to be I say that as a Latino who's fed up basta ya con el abuso where enough abuse and enough exploitation to talk about because I was involved with Eduardo on the sound of freedom as an executive producer and we Stole it out of Disney who had no faith in it

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