The Shocking Reality: 325,000 Missing Children

3 months ago

It's actually three hundred and 25 thousand children are missing sex slaves slaves or dead One of those 4 things Slaves sex slaves missing or dead And 3 think of what three hundred and 25 thousand you know we say it's a number blah blah blah I was talking to a reporter before I said three hundred and 25 thousand Oh what else is now He's going like let's go to the next question I'm saying to myself can you believe it A bad sort of a reporter I told him he is But think of it almost like you know like let's get on with the interview Think of what three hundred and 25 thousand we have religious leaders up here think of what How many times can you fill a nice big stadium like a Yankee stadium with that Three hundred and 25 thousand They're missing I think many of them are dead

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