Toonami Oct 18, 1999 Dragonball Z S3 Ep 95 Transformed At Last

4 months ago

As Gohan and Krillin are wondering if they are the only ones who survived the Spirit Bomb, Piccolo suddenly emerges from the water and climbs onto a nearby island with Goku. Gohan and Krillin fly over to their allies and they are reunited. On King Kai's Planet, King Kai relays the news to Yamcha, Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu. Recoome, Guldo, Burter and Jeice are skeptical, but the Z-Fighters continue the battle against them and ultimately force them off the planet and into Hell. Enraged, they try to escape, but only succeed in bumping their heads on the clouds above, which Goz and Mez attempted to warn them of earlier. King Kai then inadvertently reveals that he invited the Ginyu Force to his planet to give the Z-Fighters a test. Bulma also regains consciousness from the events of the Spirit Bomb blast and, after noticing Ginyu trying to sneak away and still furious with him for the trick he pulled on her earlier, grabs him and orders him to scout out the area for Goku and the others. Meanwhile on Namek, Goku, Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan prepare to go find Bulma and head back to Earth. Krillin also humorously expresses horror upon learning they had forgotten about her, causing some tension due to their thinking that he saw Frieza survive, with Krillin admitting that he thinks Bulma's temper is scarier. Piccolo openly hopes that Guru and the rest of the Namekians can now rest in peace. As Krillin asks how Piccolo knows about Guru, he freezes in terror upon looking at a nearby cliff. The other fighters look and are also shocked: Frieza is still alive, with only a damaged tail and eye, and angrier than ever. Krillin is in complete disbelief, as he was certain that a direct hit from the Spirit Bomb would have killed him. Frieza fires a Death Beam straight at Goku, but instead Piccolo pushes him aside and takes the hit. With this act, Piccolo's true loyalty is finally revealed: having risked his own life to save Goku's, he no longer considers him his enemy. Meanwhile, back on King Kai's planet, King Kai is equally shocked to learn of Frieza's survival and barely manages to inform Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu of this terrible turn of events. Back on Namek, Frieza sarcastically congratulates Goku for coming the closest anyone has to destroying him with his Spirit Bomb. Bordering on the edge of his rage, Goku orders Gohan and Krillin to take the gravely injured Piccolo, find Bulma and leave Namek in her spaceship immediately, but it was too late to escape. Gohan initially refuses, with Frieza stating that Goku's "sorely mistaken" if he thought they can escape his wrath before launching a beam at Krillin, causing him to levitate off the ground. In an act of retaliation for coming back and slicing his tail in half with a Destructo Disc, Frieza uses his telekinesis as he launches Krillin into the air and, despite Goku's desperate pleas, detonates the ki inside of him, violently blowing him to smithereens. King Kai reels back upon witnessing it, and solemnly tells the others that Krillin has been killed. Back on Namek, Frieza first evilly laughs and pushes Goku's final button by threatening to kill Gohan next (In the Funimation dub, he instead cracks a sick joke about Krillin's death while in the Ocean/Westwood and British dubs, he chooses someone next to kill after Krillin's death). Angered by the senseless murder of Krillin, who now cannot be revived with the Earth Dragon Balls, Goku finally unleashes his rage and he undergoes a strange transformation, resulting in him gaining a golden aura, golden-blonde hair and bluish-green eyes. Now finally awaken as a Super Saiyan, Goku orders Gohan once again to take Piccolo, find Bulma and leave Namek as soon as possible, and this time, Gohan complies. Goku then sets his furious eyes on a now-horrified Frieza, determined to make him suffer for all the evil he's done. Meanwhile, Ginyu the Frog returns to Bulma's location and tries to tell her of what's happening. She then notices a distant island where a huge aura is emitting, the same island where Goku's transformation has just occurred.

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