🚨 Nancy Pelosi Explains the ‘WRAP-UP SMEAR’ Technique

3 months ago

🚨 Nancy Pelosi Explains the ‘WRAP-UP SMEAR’ Technique

📌 #WrapUpSmear #PoliticalTactics #DeepState

• What is the ‘Wrap-Up Smear’?: In a 2017 press conference, Nancy Pelosi discussed a political tactic called the “wrap-up smear.” According to her, this involves spreading a falsehood, having the media report on it, and then using that media coverage to validate the lie, creating a feedback loop that discredits the target. This tactic has been criticized for being used to manipulate public opinion and discredit opponents.

• Against Trump: Many claim this strategy is being used extensively against President Donald Trump, creating false narratives in the media and then citing those reports as evidence of wrongdoing.

• John Kelly Controversy: John Kelly, former White House Chief of Staff, has recently come under fire from Trump supporters, who label him a “deep state swamp creature.” Kelly’s criticisms of Trump, particularly in the media, have only fueled accusations that he’s part of an orchestrated effort to undermine the former president.

Shameful tactics or smart strategy? What’s your take on the “wrap-up smear”?

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