#1 Unmasking Child Trafficking: A Call for Awareness

4 hours ago

They were gonna and got with Tyler They're gonna put it away But angels lifted it up and it became an incredible thing and it lit a fire in me and our company to to the awareness of child trafficking now last year And I know this because we're involved in anti-trafficking On April 26 2023 Tara Lee Rodas testified before Congress that the U is the middleman this trafficking and I've been to Central America our kids kids are being bought for pennies on the dollar and they're sold we know where they are you know none of these sponsors that they're handed off to have been vetted they know that they're being sold into slavery into sex into body parts etc and so we are the middleman We're profiting off of this And you know Mr President when you become president we need to follow this money because it's dark money You know we're exploiting our children But something happened after Tower League wrote us just last year testified there were 85 thousand children missing And Javier Becerra who's head of HHS and Alejandro Mayorkas he went to his group and said people we got Henry Ford would be embarrassed by the lack of efficiency of bringing people in as commodities to be sold We need to be more efficient And guess what happened The Inspector General of DHS Department of Homeland Security under Mayorkas they did this investigation that this year less than a year later were three hundred and 25 thousand children missing And like the President said also millions of people trafficked and exploited 70 percent are women 25 percent are children But we were so good That's the only thing we've been good at To tell you this administration the only thing they've been good at is growing the biggest industry in the world which is human trafficking and drugs That's the only thing that And for exploitation for power for money

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